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- King's College London
- Memorial List
- Abbiss, John Lee
- Aberdein, John Eric
- Adam, Harvey
- Adamson, Maurice Leslie
- Alexander, John David
- Allen, Humphrey Decius
- Allen, Laurence Raymond
- Anderson, Alexander Clairmonte
- Andrews, Peter Edward
- Angus, Raymond Brocklehurst
- Archibald, James Duncan
- Arnold, Edward Rolfe
- Ashton, Denys Alban
- Atkinson, Thomas Geoffrey
- Aucutt, Donald
- Baddeley, John Frederick
- Baker, Montague Samuel
- Ball, John Patrick Brooke
- Ball, Oswald Frederick Grevatte
- Ball, Peter Alexander
- Barker, Aubrey Arthur
- Barnes, Gerard Frederick
- Bass, Alfred Edward
- Baswitz, Albert
- Beadell, Alfred George
- Beardon, Graham Derek Herbert
- Beckerleg, Lionel Clifford
- Bell, Edward Augustine
- Bellis, Gordon Worsley
- Belshaw, Reginald Peter
- Bennett, Claude Henry
- Benton, Ronald Mackenzie
- Beresford, Percy William
- Berridge, Jesse Dell (known as Dell)
- Berry, The Rev. Walter Henry Arthur
- Bevan, Richard Vincent
- Biggs, Alexander Ernest
- Bingham, Bentinck Aglionby
- Bird, Rev. John Minnett
- Blackman, Wilfred Ernest Arthur
- Blackwell, Leonard Richard
- Blore, John Henry Haughton
- Bloxam, Arthur George
- Blurton, Tom Pain
- Body, J. B. W.
- Bonnell, Hugh Emrys
- Bonnett, Dorian Dick
- Bottomley, Eric William
- Bowlby, George Elliot Lowes
- Bowles, Wilfred Spencer
- Briant, Edward Arthur Rutherford
- Brockelbank, Lawrence Seymour
- Brodie, Thomas Grigor
- Bromham, John William Thomas
- Brown, Clive Andrews
- Brown, Harold Masters
- Brown, Theodore Anthony
- Browne, Herbert Maxwell
- Bull, Arthur David
- Bunting, Robert Russell
- Bunting, William
- Burnett, H. Leslie
- Burnett, Maurice
- Burns, James Stephen Gregory Anthony.
- Burton, H. Leslie
- Burton, Harold Sydney
- Butler, Brian Dear
- Buttress, Eric Frank
- Calvert, Cecilius Frederick Holcombe
- Carless, Albert William Buchan
- Carleton, Hugh Basil
- Carpenter, Sydney James
- Carrington, Edward Worrell
- Carte, Alan Simpson
- Carter, Harold Norman
- Cartwright, Louis Richard Conway
- Cash, Frank Arthur Henry
- Cassidy, Cyril Martin
- Chamberlain, Cyril John
- Chapman, Laurence Vaughan
- Chapman, Ronald Arthur
- Chappell, Edwin Francis
- Chartres, Wilfried John Waring
- Chittenden, Alan Reginald
- Clancey, Douglas Allen
- Clarey, Noel
- Clark, C W
- Clark, Percy Henry James
- Clark, William Brown
- Clarke, Rev. Colin George
- Cleall, Percy Cawdell
- Codd, Stephen Arthur Herbert
- Cole, Humphrey Porteus
- Colly, Harold David
- Cooke, Arthur Allen
- Cooke, Arthur Stanley
- Cooke, John Hinton
- Cornell, Arthur George
- Cowie, Graham Robertson
- Cox, John Desmond
- Cree, Rev. James Douglas Beckett
- Crichton, John Arthur
- Crow, Arthur Arnold
- Crowther, George Harry Hillier
- Curphey, William George Sellar
- Currie, Clarence Algernon
- Cuttle, Geoffrey
- Darvell, Frederick William
- Darycott, Frank
- Davies, Cecil Lloyd
- Davis, Geoffrey Stanley
- Deller, Harold James
- Dillon, Frederick Hugo
- Disney, George William
- Dobbie, Robert Sheddon
- Dorman, Anthony Godfrey
- Downing, Arthur Ernest
- Dowsett, George Thomas
- Duarte, Robert William
- Dunford, Richard Jack
- Dunlop, Brian John
- Dunn, Gerald Morton
- Dunstan, Hedley
- Ebbs, Walter George Reginald
- Edinger, Frank Harrison
- Elder, William Gardner
- Eldridge, Percy John
- Ellis, Aubrey Charles
- Ellis, Rev. Cecil Robert William
- Evans, Francis Kent
- Evans, Leonard Frederick
- Evill, Chetwode Percy
- Fairweather, Donovan James
- Farren, John
- Farrin, Stuart Thomas
- Farrow, Jack
- Felsenstein, Basil Saul
- Felsenstein, Gerard Cecil
- Fevez, Robin Louis Gronow
- Fitch, Rev. Arthur Robert (Bo)
- Fletcher, Herbert Phillips
- Flower, Alan Frederick
- Flower, Frank Thompson
- Forbes, Henry James
- Ford, Guy Cecil
- Foster, Robert Clow
- Fowler, Charles Jefford
- Fraser, D F
- Fraser, John Donald
- French, Austin Clifford
- French, John
- Gamon, Maurice Partridge
- Gardiner, Alexander Anson
- Garland, James Richard
- Garrad, Edward Victor
- Gillett, David Stapylton
- Glass, Jacob (Jack) Harry
- Gleave, Fergus
- Glenie, George Richard
- Goddard, Fred
- Goff, Alfred Lawrence (Laurence)
- Gosden, William Stephen
- Gowans, James
- Grantham, George Kenneth
- Grattan-Bushe, Charles Kendal
- Greenwood-Penny, Caleb
- Grimsdell, Gerald Lucien
- Grisewood, Francis
- Groves, Henry Balfour
- Gwynne-Jones (née Charlesworth)., Dr. Christabel Lillie Margaret
- Hall, Hubert
- Hamilton, (Honorable) Alexander Beamish
- Handley, Herbert Eustace
- Harbord, Stephen Gordon
- Hare, Bernard Urmston
- Hare, Stanley Grant
- Harris, Henry Lionel
- Harrold, Samuel Henry
- Hart, Arthur Reginald
- Hart, William Cecil Frederick Nicol
- Haswell, Arthur Frederick
- Hawkins, Rodney William
- Hawks, John Christopher
- Hawksworth, The Rev. Cecil James
- Hawtayne, Frederick William Stewart
- Hayward, William Alfred
- Heath, Rev. Alfred
- Heyward, Maurice
- Hicks, Richard Edward
- Hodges, Aubrey Davies
- Hodges, Cedric Harold
- Hodges, Charles Edward
- Hodges, Sydney Howard
- Hodson, Robert Charles
- Honeybun, Brian Routley
- Hopkinson, Bertram
- Houghton, Jack Bloor
- Hoyle, Edgar
- Hubbard, Reginald John
- Hudson, Harold Edwin
- Hudson, Heron
- Hughes, Matthew Louis
- Hull, Edward Cecil Gordon
- Hulme, John Alexander Shillinglaw
- Hunter, John Hardwicke Cuthbert
- Hussey, Henry Aloysius
- Huxtable, George Robert
- Hyde, Ian Robertson
- Jenkins, James Peter Julian
- Jenkinson, Wlliam Ernest Gordon
- Johnson, Cyril
- Johnson, Edwin Henry Cross
- Jones, Ernest William
- Jones, Percy
- Joseph, Jack Benjamin
- Joyce, James
- Keane, John Pearse
- Kedge, Rev. William John
- Kershaw, Henry Valder (Revd)
- Kershaw, Lewis Kenneth
- Kilduff, Harry Ignatius
- King, Cecil Percy
- King, R.S.
- King, Walter Eustace Yeend
- Kingdon, Leonard
- Kirkaldy, Charles Henry
- Kurten, Gaston Pierre Peter
- Ladyman, John Charles Harrison
- Lang, Sidney Drummond
- Langford, John Joseph
- Langford, Wallace George
- Latham, Richard Thomas Edwin
- Laughton, Hubert Henry Schomberg
- Laurence, Carleton Eric
- Le Chavetois, Grantley Adolphe
- Lemon, Adrian Leigh
- Lendrum, Denis Charles
- Lendrum, James Herbert
- Leonard, Frank Redman
- Lester, Eric John
- Levick, Percy
- Lewis, Walter Harding
- Lillington, Conrad Ivan
- Loades, Hubert John
- Lockhart, John
- Lord, William Winston
- Love, Ronald Andrew
- Love, William Arthur Loftus
- Lucy, Clifford Henry
- Lunoe, Eric
- Macadam, James Ferrier
- MacKenzie, James
- Mackler, Arthur
- Magenis, Leslie Stewart
- Malcolm, Sydney John
- Mann, Josiah Henry
- Marsh Rev, Sidney Addison
- Marshall, Ian Scott
- Martin, Deryck John Michael
- Martin, Sidney Grant
- Maurice, Sterling
- Mayhew, George Joseph
- Mazure, Ivor
- McBride, Andrew Best
- McManemy, Anthony Francis
- Mead, John Robert Shuttleworth
- Mellows, Harold Sidney
- Miller, A J M
- Miller, James Cooper
- Milligan, Percy Bass
- Millward, (Ronald) David
- Mitchell, Laurence Messenger
- Monks, Stuart Cornwall
- Montesole, Herbert Sarif Roy
- Moor, Edward Lewis
- Moore, Beaufoi John Montressor Warwick
- Moore, James Gilhulme
- Morgan, Wilfred Gilbert
- Morten, Allan Muir
- Mount, Edward Alfred
- Moynihan, Charles Arthur
- Mudie, Michael Robert
- Murphy, Frank Eric Bean
- Nancarrow, Percy
- Nathan, David
- Neave, John Richard
- Nevey, Frank
- Norton, Hugh
- O'Donohue, Bernard Kevin
- Oakley, Phazie. D.
- Ormrod, George
- Orr, James Kenneth
- Page, Harry Charles Shaw
- Palmer, Rowland Alexander
- Pargeter, Reginald Amherst
- Parish, George James (John)
- Parkes, Horace Frederick
- Parnell, Leslie Reginald
- Parr, Rev. Alfred Cecil
- Parry, Rev. George Edward Maule
- Parsons, Glynne
- Patch, Vernon Lane
- Pearson, Alec William
- Peers, Leslie Heywood
- Penn, Bertram Anthony William
- Penny, Bernard Willoughby
- Peter, Alistair Gordon
- Phillips, Jacob
- Picton, Richard William
- Plant, Percy William
- Pocock, Rev. Herbert Charles
- Porter, Samuel
- Preedy, John Benjamin Knowlton
- Pridmore, Percy Malin
- Pring, Francis Raleigh
- Privett, Arthur Bellman
- Ramsden, Arthur Amherst
- Ramsey, Arthur William
- Redmond, Lorrimer Charles
- Rees, Phillip Alan
- Remington, Felix George
- Rich, Ivor John Frederick
- Richards, Cecil Willoughby
- Richardson, John Ernest
- Ricketts, James Stuart
- Rivington, Peter Sherwood
- Roberts, Arthur
- Roberts, Frank William Cramer
- Roberts, Lionel John
- Robinson, Isaac
- Robinson, Leonard
- Robson, Albert Frank
- Rodgers, Samuel Alvin
- Rogers, John Heron
- Rogers, Patrick Heron Thorold
- Rouse, James Edward Colleton
- Rowley, Harold George
- Rowson, Donald George
- Sarson, Edwin Cumbers
- Scannell, Michael Henry
- Scott, Rosemary Kathleen
- Scratchley, Ronald Maversley
- Sharp, Eric Charles
- Shaw, Cuthbert Frank
- Shaw, Edwin Bruce
- Shaw, Herbert Edward
- Shaw, Stuart Patrick
- Shields, Michael Alexander
- Sifton, William Alfred
- Simpson, Frederick John Rayner
- Smallman, Walter Samuel Leslie
- Smith, Alexander Ayre
- Smith, Alexander Macdonald
- Smith, Arthur Lloyd
- Smith, Martin Kirke
- Smith, Rev. Harry
- Smith, Rev. Sydney Bicheno
- Smith, Sidney
- Smith, William Riddell
- Snell, Ernest Hugh
- Sokolow, George Stanislaus
- Somers, Arthur Frank Sanden
- Soutter, Ian Gordon
- Soutter, Luther James
- Spencer, Sydney Gurton
- Stammers, Herbert John
- Stearn, John Holder
- Stephens, John Herbert
- Stevens, Douglas David
- Stewart, Robert Young Stevenson
- Stickland, Donald Archibald
- Stockdale, Edward Leslie Johnson
- Stone, Oliver John
- Strick, John Richard
- Strickland, John Edward Trench
- Sturt, Ernest Guy Maclean
- Sutton, Vivian Charles Wolfe
- Swift, Hedley Charles
- Swinburne, Thomas Reid
- Sykes, John David Wilson
- Taylor, George Reginald
- Taylor, H.F.
- Thierry, Leon Hubert
- Thomas, David
- Thomas, Matthew
- Thompson, Jenkin Robert Oswald
- Thyne, James Pattinson
- Tolley, Rev. Stanley Francis
- Tovey, Duncan
- Tremeer, Sidney Charles
- Tuck, William Douglas
- Turner, John Keith
- Twigg, Sydney George
- Uren, Gordon Thomas
- Vaughan, Evan James Stanley
- Veall, Charles Raithby
- Verscheure, Polydore
- Vinicombe, Lionel Frank
- Waddy, John Raymond
- Wadeson, George Francis
- Waite, David Stanley
- Wakeley, Wilfred Noel Pembrey
- Walker, John Arthur
- Wallace, The Rev. John James
- Waller, Horace Edmund
- Waller, Hugh Thomas
- Walter, Harry
- Walton, Alexander James Proctor
- Ward, George Herbert
- Wareham, Jack Ringe
- Warner, Denham Vernon
- Wastell, Frank
- Watson, John Mortimer
- Weiss, Hubert Foveaux
- Wells, Ewart Linley
- Wesley, David Millis
- Whapham, Alan Owen
- Whitfield, Gilbert Henry
- Wilberforce, Noel Alfred Gratian
- Wilde, Frank Norman
- Wilkinson, W A
- Williams, John Clifford
- Willis, Stuart
- Wilson, Ernest Lister
- Winbush, Edward Thomas
- Winser, Basil Charles
- Wood, Michael John Cecil
- Wood, William John
- Woolgar, Cedric Warren
- Wright, Claude Russell
- Wright, Thomas
- Youens, David Noel
- Baird, Leonard Barron
- Barter, Adrian Elliott
- Beaumont, George
- Bourne, Cecil Alfred
- Carpenter, Herbert M S
- Castor, Richard Henderson
- Clayton, Albert Edward
- Coates, Stanley Harvey
- Coley, William John
- Collen, Norman Owen
- Curtis, Henry Edward
- Dancer, Alfred Christopher
- Davidson, James
- Fitzsimons, Edward A
- Hancock, John Eliot
- Henley, Frederick Louis
- Hore, William Edward
- Hoyle, Wilfred
- Jones, T.L.
- Latham, Thomas Selby
- Lee, Richard Arthur
- Lewis, Harry Arthur
- Ludlow, Leonard G S
- Mears, Francis Peel
- Owen, Vernon Elias
- Parks, George E H
- Phillips, Thomas Martin
- Philson, Samuel Cowell
- Roberts, Guy Hepworth
- Sloggett, Henry Maxwell
- Taffs, Charles Reginald
- Taylor, Harry
- Thorne, Sigmund A O
- Tovey, Henry Turner
- Traill, Charles Harold
- Vade-Walpole, Thomas H B
- Wallis, Alfred Bibbington
- Wilson, John
- Sumner, Stanley Douglas Selby
- Frost, Rupert Chatham
- Benson, Hugh Cecil
- Guy's Hospital
- Memorial List
- Ackroyd, Harold
- Allen, Norman
- Atkinson, Noel Mitford Henson
- Ball, Malcolm Edward
- Beale-Browne, Thomas Richard
- Bearblock, Walter James
- Beard, Frederick Gerald Vesey
- Bernard-Onraët, Hugh
- Berncastle, Herbert Frederick G.
- Berry, Percy Haycraft
- Blacklaws, Alec Stuart
- Bond, Alexander Beckett
- Bouic, Andre
- Box, Thomas Harry
- Brogden, Ingram Richard Rhodes
- Browne, William Dennis
- Browning, Samuel Barratt
- Bryant, Hugh Arnold
- Bunn, Dr Herbert Wilford
- Card, Lewis Oswald
- Carruthers, Austin Stuart
- Chaning-Pearce, Wilfrid Thomas
- Chaundy, Charles Anthony
- Cheesman, Algernon Edgar Percy
- Clarke, Reginald George Henry
- Clifford, Anthony Clifford
- Cocking, Alfred Wilkinson
- Cocks, John (Jack) Stanley
- Cole, Arthur
- Collins, Reginald Thomas
- Cooper, Rosina Sarah (Rosa)
- Crone, John Smyth (Jerry)
- Cross, Myles Clayton
- Croudace, Hugh Tuke (Bobbie)
- Cuthbertson, Peter Slade
- Cutts, George Lambert
- Davies, Geraint
- Dennett, Thomas Frank Preston Thwaites
- Dinan, George Albert
- Dingley, William
- Dix, Cyril Bernard
- Doyle, James Thorburn (Paddy)
- Drury, John William
- Eccles, Horace Dorset
- Edmond, John Adamson
- Edwards, Richmond
- Egan, Charles Hamilton
- Farara, Albert Edward Eberstablt
- Faulks, Edgar
- Fitzhugh, Richard Truman
- Fitzmaurice, Alexander Lindsay
- Ford, William Charles George
- Fraser, Eldred Leslie
- Frost, Robert Lewis (sometimes given as Louis)
- Garddiner, Ivan Jephson
- Gardner, Alfred Linton
- Gaterell, John James
- Gatley, Charles Alexander Robertson
- German, Hugh Bernard
- Gibson, Colin Charles Gordon
- Gibson, Howard Graeme
- Glaisby, Kenneth
- Godsill, Stanley
- Goodall, Ernest George
- Gough, Bernard Bradly
- Graham, Lionel Augustine Joseph
- Green, Charles Layton
- Greene, Alfred Charles
- Greenfield, Raymond Leake
- Greenwood, Kenneth Hartley
- Greeves, George
- Hamilton, Edward Thomas Ernest
- Hankey, Sidney Donald
- Harris, Kamon
- Harris, William Arthur
- Harrison, Stanley Sextus Barrymore
- Harte, Leslie Patrick
- Hartnell, Edward Bush
- Hayes, Francis Mason
- Haynes, Charles Graham
- Hayward, Frank Robert Oliver
- Hayward, Milward Cecil
- Henderson, Thomas Eric
- Hennessey, Patrick William
- Hill, Archibald Edgar
- Hinde, Ernest John Frank
- Hogben, Henry Francis Thomas
- Hollands, Wilfrid George
- Holroyde, Norah Constance
- Hopkins, Herbert Leslie
- Horton, James Henry
- Howard, Charles Reginald
- Hugh-Jones, Kenneth Herbert
- Hughes, Lawson Jervis
- Ievers, Eileen Mary Elise
- James, John Stephen Harvey
- Jones, Evan Lawrence
- Jones, Thomas
- Kelsey, Arthur Edward
- Kennedy, Ronald Sinclair
- King, Percy
- Knaggs, Francis Henry
- Knight, Herbert Maurice Richard
- Knight, Ronald Victor
- Kynaston, Albert Evelyn Fairfax
- Lacey, William Stocks
- Lamont, Gerald Reburn
- Lansdale, William Morris
- Leckie, Malcolm
- Lee
- Leech, Barbara Elisabeth
- Liebson, Stephen Abraham
- Lintott, Gordon Alan Macdona
- Livingstone, Marjorie Josephine
- Llarena, Eustace Fernando
- Locke, Arrnold Edgecombe
- Logan, Frederic Thomas Bishop
- Lowe, Frank Augustus
- Lurie, David
- Macrae-Gibson, Angus Charles
- Malt, Douglas Frank
- Marshall, Bernard Gouldsmith
- Marshall, Herbert Myers
- Martin, Albert
- Mash, Oswald Nelson
- Maxwell, John Earle
- Merrill, Leslie
- Miller, George Sefton
- Mitchell, Thomas Ellis
- Monk, George Bertram Fifield
- Moore, Lionel Watson
- Morris, Howell Charles
- Morrish, Donald Bernard
- Mullins, Michael Robert
- Murdoch, John Bourchier Clampett
- Needham, Edward John Allport
- Neely, Hugh Bertram
- Nicholls, William Howard
- Oates, Joshua Laurence
- Oliver, John Widdicombe
- Outfin, Richard Malherbe
- Palmer, Ambrose Henry
- Palmer, Henry John
- Palmer, John Stanley
- Parry Jones, Owen Guy
- Patterson, Joseph
- Peacock, John Edward Chesterfield
- Pearce, Dudley George
- Peatfield, Stanley James
- Peck, Charles William
- Pern, Montague
- Pitt, Joan
- Pitt-Payne, William Stephens
- Plumptre, Cyril Macdonald
- Powell, Allen Charles
- Pryn, William Reginald
- Reckitt, Charles Edward
- Rees, Morgan James
- Reid, Alfred
- Reynolds, William Leonard Eliot
- Rhys, John Wade
- Richards, Ernest Harry Richard
- Robertson, Ernest Guy
- Robertson, John Cowan
- Robinson, William Beresford
- Rooney, John Joseph Fenton
- Rosenberg, Donald
- Roseveare, Edwin Russell
- Ross, John Hampden
- Russell, Frederick Murray
- Russell, Winifred
- Salsbury, Archibald Frank
- Sandoe, Montague William Augustus
- Saw, Noel Humphrey Wykeham
- Scott-Pillow, Henry Montgomery
- Seabrooke, Alexander Stanger
- Sells, Charles Bernard
- Sharp, Neville Alexander Dyce
- Shelford, Catherine (Kitty)
- Shepherd-Turneham, Norman Percy
- Shorland, George
- Silly, James Lovitt
- Simpson-Smith, Alexander
- Slimon, James Gillespie
- Small, Dudley Francis
- Smith, Douglas Wilberforce
- Snell, Herbert
- Snell, Norris
- Snow, Charles Foote
- South, Robert
- Sowerby, Victor Holgate
- Spong, Robert William
- Spouse, Eric Anthony
- Stacey, John Brewer
- Stainton, Phillip Geoffrey
- Stebbings, Hedley Peter
- Steel, Maud Winifred
- Swan, Sarah Ann
- Todd, Thomas Francis
- Veitch, Quintin Read
- Venning, Hedley Douglas
- Walker, Charles Pope
- Walmsley, Eric Stanley
- Warr, Victor Charles
- Warren, A
- Wellford, Francis
- Weston, Frederick Herbert Jayne
- Weston, William Frederick Jayne
- Wetherell, Sydney
- Whatley, John
- Whicher, Stanley
- Williams, John Norman
- Yardley, George Emile
- Stainer, Claude Hamilton
- Young, William Elliot
- Stanwell, William Alexander
- Start, Samuel Charles
- Stephen, Lionel Henry York
- Steyn, Stephanus Sebastian Lombard
- Tilbury, Arthur
- Tolehurst, St. John A M
- Townsend, Thomas Ainsworth
- Traill, Anthony
- Traill, Kenneth Robert
- Waghorn, Leonard Pengelly
- Watson, Cecil Francis William
- Watt, Norman Lindley
- Wearing, Douglas George
- Webster, Edward MacKay
- Weinberg, Albert
- Weller, Charles
- Whitworth, Henry Parks
- Williamson, Gerald Coutts
- Wyand, Edward Herbert
- St Thomas' Hospital
- Memorial List
- Acland, John Henry Dyke
- Anstie, William John Carlyon
- Atkinson, Miles Linzee
- Austin, Charles Ernest
- Babington, Gilbert Cleary
- Bateman, Donald Scrimgeour
- Bellamy, Arthur Griffin
- Bingham, Frank Miller
- Birtles, Leonard
- Blackledge, Raymond George
- Bone, Alexander Drummond
- Bonser, Geoffrey Alwyn Gershom
- Booth, Ainslie
- Bransbury, Vernon Dudley Bramsdon
- Bridges, Roland Harley
- Broadway, Harold Theodore Logan
- Brown, Wilfred Stephenson
- Cadman, Maurice Danks
- Caiger, Frederick Howard Stewart
- Campbell, John Colin Keith
- Chaplin, Harold Garrett
- Chavasse, Arthur Ryland
- Chevers, Herbert Longmore Grant
- Chisholm, Murdoch
- Clarke, Ailwyn Herbert
- Corbett, Cyril Dudley Hely
- Cornelius, Herbert Julian
- Crombie, William Maurice
- Cross, Geoffrey Suffling
- Custance, Gustavus William Musgrave
- David, Thomas Ivor
- Davis, Guy Clifton
- Denham, John Kenneth
- Dewes, Bryan Osmond
- Elliott, Albert Ernest
- Fawssett, Rupert
- Ferris, Henry Michael
- Field, Hassell Dyer
- Fielding, James Oxenham
- Finch, George
- Fisher, Edward Garlick
- Fisk, Anthony Desmond
- Fitch, Laurence Percival
- Forbes, Ian Gordon
- Ford, Arthur Vernon
- Fry, Walter Burgess
- Gabbett, Pulteney Charles
- Gould, Henry Hilton Monk
- Graves, John Harper
- Greatorex, Thomas William
- Gregory, Anthony Gordon
- Gruer, Lawrence Harold
- Gyllencreutz, James Randolph
- Hall, Harry Spencer
- Harper, Gerald Thomas
- Harris, William Trengweath
- Hebbert, Robert Francis
- Hiley, Richard Farrar
- Holtan, Reidar Scott
- Humphries, Clifford Stuart
- Humphrys, Frederick James
- Irving, Aubrey Gordon
- Irwin, John Philip
- James, John Douglas
- Jones, Cyril Oscar Howe
- Jones, Myrddin Emrys
- Keesey, John Howard
- Kempthorne, Humphrey de Bohun
- Kendrick, George Wharton
- Kinloch, Robert Alastair Boys
- Lake, William Wellington
- Lart, J.V.T. Probably John Floyer Vincent
- Layman, Douglas Arthur Campbell
- Lillico, James Walsh
- Limbery, Kenneth Thomas
- Little, John Wishart
- Maclean, Ivan Clarkson
- MacRae, Farquar
- Martineau, Alfred John
- Milligan, Donald Samuel Eccles
- Monks, Kenneth Walter
- Norris, Hugh Leigh
- Parker, Gordon Ernest Malbon
- Parsons, Edward Daniell
- Parsons-Smith, Eustace Macartney
- Peacey, John Sharwood
- Philp, Claude Hastings George
- Piggott, Frederick Cecil Holman
- Porter, Alan Graham
- Rayner, Edward
- Robinson, Henry Betham
- Sandwith, Fleming Mant
- Sayres, Alexander Ward Fortescue
- Scott, Samuel Geoffrey
- Scudamore, Leonard George
- Smith, Frank Lewis
- Smith, John Walter
- Smith, Richard Hugh
- Soddy, James Rawdon
- Spensley, Frank Oswald
- Spilsbury, Peter Bernard
- Stanley, Cuthbert Arthur
- Stevenson, Thomas Craig
- Stiebel, Charles
- Stratford, Ernest Pipkin
- Sutcliff, Archibald Alfred
- Terry, John Norman
- Treherne, Claude William
- Treves, Harold Thomsett
- Turner, David William
- Usborne, Alfred James
- Vernon, Norman Alfred
- Ward, Thomas Percival
- Williams, Jansen Oswald David
- Williams, Penry Garnons
- Wilson, Charles Edgar Andrew
- Wilson, Richard
- Witney, Peter Norman
- Young, Malcolm Henry Cathcart
- Bark, Herbert Ruddick
- Bull, F.W.
- De Verteuil, Fernand Louis Joseph Marie
- Fisher, Herbert
- Hawkyard, Albert William
- Newman, William James
- Palmer, John William
- Perry, George
- Scott, Benjamin James
- White, W
- Banbury, Richard Albert
- Dunn, Stephanie Freda
- Durham, Sarah Eira
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