King's College London
War Memorials
Home|King's College London|Memorial List|Cash, Frank Arthur Henry 

Cash, Frank Arthur Henry

Frank Arthur Cash was educated at The County School for Boys, Gravesend (now Gravesend Grammar School) from 1932-1936. He was a Senior Prefect and awarded several prizes for his work. His name is on the Roll of Honour Board in the school hall. Gravesend Grammar School (with permission)


First name(s)Frank Arthur Henry
Date of birth21 February 1917
Place of birthMedway
Family detailsSon of Frank Arthur Walter and Nellie Jane Cash, of Gravesend, Kent.
Previous educationRichmond Road Council School; The County School for Boys, Gravesend (now Gravesend Grammar School)
CollegeKing's College London and/or King's College London Hospital
Dates at college1936-1939
Dept / courseScience (Natural Science)
QualificationsB.Sc Gen Hons 1938; B.Sc Special Hons 1939 (Zoology); Teachers Diploma Institute of Education, Nottingham 1939
Military unit8th Royal Tank Regiment, R.A.C. Trooper 38 Squad ‘ D’ Squadron
53rd LT. TNG. Regt Royal Armoured Corps, Tidworth, Hants
Service number176697, and 7914458
War / conflictWorld War Two (1939-1945)
CampaignsMiddle East
Date of death29/11/1941
Age at death24
Rank at death2nd Lieutenant
Place of deathHalfaya
Cause of deathKilled in action
Burial placeHalfaya Sollum War Cemetery
Commemoration(s)King’ s College Chapel; Gravesham Borough Council Remembrance Book; Roll of Honour Board, Gravesend Grammar School.

Letter to King’s College from 7914458 Trooper F. A. H. Cash, 38 Squad “D” Squadron, 53rd Lt. Tng. Regt., Royal Armoured Corps, Tidworth, Hants dated 26 Sept. 1940:


Dear Sir

I am enclosing Army Form B2617 (Inset) and request that you will be agreeable to certify to my good moral character for the last four years.

I was in attendance at King’s College in the Department of Zoology, from October 1936 until July 1939, & during this period held the office of Treasurer of the Scouts Club & President of the Zoological Society. Academically I graduated with honours in the B.Sc,(General) examination in June 1938 and again in June 1939 with a special honours degree in Zoology.

In October 1939 I resumed study at the Institute of Education and was successful in the examination for the Teachers Diploma held in June of this year.
I enlisted with the mechanised training unit in July and am now applying for a commission. I shall be very grateful, therefore, if you will sign the enclosed form for me & allow me to have it back again as soon as possible.

I am sir 
Yours respectfully
Frank Henry Arthur Cash


SourcesKing’ s College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; Gravesend Grammar School Archives

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