King's College London
War Memorials
Home|Guy's Hospital|Memorial List|Rooney, John Joseph Fenton 

Rooney, John Joseph Fenton

Lieut.-Col. John Joseph Rooney, I.M.S. who died on April 5, 1941, and was born on Jan. 27, 1890 and graduated M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O. of the National University of Ireland in 1920. He entered the I.M.S. soon afterwards and was promoted capt. in 1923, major in 1929, and lieut.-col. in 1937. The earlier years of his service were spent at Lahore. British Medical Journal 17 Oct. 1942


First name(s)John Joseph Fenton
Date of birth27 Jan 1890
Family detailsSon of James and Mary Rooney, of Cork, Irish Republic; husband of Anne Rooney, of East Hendred, Berkshire.
Previous educationUniversity College, Cork
CollegeGuy's Hospital
Dates at college1918 - 1920
Dept / courseLondon Conjoint and M.B.
QualificationsB.Sc.; M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O. of the National University of Ireland 1920
Military unitIndian Medical Service
War / conflictWorld War Two (1939-1945)
Date of death05 April 1941
Age at death51
Rank at deathLieutenant Colonel
Cause of deathDied
Commemoration(s)Guy’ s Memorial; Alamein Memorial
NotesThe University of London Gazette dated July 24 contained a Roll of Honour. Among the medical officers listed there are three whose deaths have not been recorded in this column – namely Surg. Lieut.-Cmdr. J.G. Slimon, R.N., Surg. Lieut. G. L. Cutts, R.N.V.R. and Lieut.-Col. J. J. Rooney, I.M.S. all of whom have been students at Guy’ s Hospital. British Medical Journal 17 Oct. 1942
SourcesGuy’ s Hospital Medical School Records, King’ s College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission: British Medical Journal

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