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Home|Guy's Hospital|Memorial List|Watson, Cecil Francis William 

Watson, Cecil Francis William

Watson, Cecil Francis W., West African M.S. Entered Guy’s in January, 1892, passed the Final Conjoint in 1899. He obtained the Diploma of Tropical Medicine in 1906, and the Diploma of Public Health, Ireland in 1909. He afterwards left to take over the post of Senior Medical Officer of the West African Medical Staff in Northern Nigeria. Lost at sea. Guy’s Hospital Reports Vol LXX, War Memorial Number

Dr. Cecil Francis William Watson, West African Medical Staff, died of influenza at Accra, on October 12th, aged 43. He was the last surviving son of the late Rev. A. W. Watson, Vicar of Churt, Surrey, was educated at Guy’s Hospital, and took the diplomas of M.R.C.S. and  L.R.C.P. Lond. in 1899, also the Liverpool D.T.M. in 1906, and the D.P.H. at the Irish College in 1909. After acting as assistant house-surgeon of Scarborough Hospital he entered the W.A.M.S., in which he rose to be senior medical officer in Northern Nigeria, and had recently been appointed deputy principal medical officer of the Gold Coast. British Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1918


First name(s)Cecil Francis William
Date of birth1875
Place of birthHambledon Registration District
Family details

Son of Rev. A. Watson, Churt Vicarage, Farnham, Surrey

Previous educationHaileybury
CollegeGuy's Hospital
Dates at college1892-1899
Dept / courseConjoint Diploma

Conjoint 1899; Diploma of Tropical Medicine 1906; Diploma of Public Health Ireland 1909

Military unitWest African Medical Service
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
Date of death12/10/1918
Cause of deathLost at sea or died of influenza according to obituaries
Commemoration(s)Guy's Hospital Memorial

Guy’s Hospital Archives at King’s College; British Medical Journal; FreeBMD

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