King's College London
War Memorials
Home|King's College London|Memorial List|Richards, Cecil Willoughby 

Richards, Cecil Willoughby


First name(s)Cecil Willoughby
Date of birth01 December 1901
Family detailsSon of Charles Benjamin and Adelaide Jarman Richards
Previous educationStrand School
CollegeKing's College London and/or King's College London Hospital
Dates at college1935-1938
Dept / courseFaculty of Medicine
QualificationsM.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), F.B.O.A.;
Military unitRoyal Army Medical Corps
Service number241069
War / conflictWorld War Two (1939-1945)
Decorations / medalsMentioned in Despatches
Date of death04/05/1945
Age at death43
Rank at deathPrivate
Burial placeCatania War Cemetery, Sicily
Commemoration(s)King’ s College Chapel
NotesFreeman of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers (London).
SourcesKing’ s College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission;

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