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Fitzmaurice, Alexander Lindsay

We regret to announce the death of A. L. Fitzmaurice which took place in Somaliland.

Born on April 18th, 1885 he was educated at Belvedere School, Hayward's Heath, and matriculated into London University in June 1903. He entered Guy's in October of the same year and passed the Final Conjoint in 1909. He held various house appointments, being A.H.S. to Mr. Fagge from January to June, 1910, and H.P. to Dr. Shaw from July to December. As a resident he gained much appreciation as an Anæsthetist, and his popularity with his colleagues was such that he became Vice-President of the Residents.

In February, 1911, he went to the Bagthorpe Infirmary, Nottingham where he remained for about eighteenth months. He next held an appointment at the South Eastern Hospital, New Cross, from August, 1912 till early in 1914. He took the M.B., B.S. degree in May 1913. After a course at the London Tropical School of Medicine he joined the Colonial Medical Service, and left England for Berbera, British Somaliland, on April 30th last. The date and circumstances of his death are not yet known; the last letter received was written from Burao, where he had been attending to Indian troops wounded in the recent fighting in the Somaliland Protectorate. He was then in the best of health and spirits. He always used to say that the happiest years of his life were spent at Guy’s. Now he is gone! But the memory of “Fitz” will live for many years in the hearts of those who knew him and were privileged to work with him. 

“ ‘Tis not the whole of life to live
Nor all of death to die.”

W. E. T. Guy.s Hospital Gazette and Guy's Hospital Reports Vol LXX, War Memorial Number


First name(s)Alexander Lindsay
Date of birth18 April 1885
Family detailsSon of Dr and Mrs R. Fitzmaurice of Littlehampton
Previous educationBelvedere School (Mr. Gregory), Haywards Heath
CollegeGuy's Hospital
Dates at college1903-1911
Dept / courseM.B. Lond.
QualificationsM.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1909; M.B., B.S., May 1913
Military unitColonial Medical Service
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
CampaignsBritish Somaliland
Date of death1914
Age at death28
Rank at deathCaptain
Cause of deathDisease
Commemoration(s)Guy's Hospital Memorial
NotesNot on Commonwealth War Graves Commission or Soldiers died in the Great War
SourcesGuy's Hospital Medical School Records, King's College London Archives

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