King's College London
War Memorials
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Stockdale, Edward Leslie Johnson

Lieut. E.L. Stockdale was at first reported missing on July 7th of this year and strong hopes were entertained that he would soon be heard of as a prisoner of war in Germany, but about six weeks later the War Office announced his death. Lieut. Stockdale was 23 years of age and was educated at King's Grammar School, Ely and King's College, University of London, where he took his A.K.C. and the degree of B.Sc. with honours in Chemistry.

As a chemical assistant in the London County Council's Service he was for a short time in the Headquarters' Laboratory at 2 Savoy Hill, and was afterwards engaged on the chemical and bacteriological examination of the water of the River Thames at the Southern Outfall Laboratory, Crossness.

At the outbreak of war, having fully qualified for a commission after two years' service with the University of London O.T.C., he promptly offered his services, and early in September 1914, received a commission as Second Lieutenant. He was posted to a new service battalion of a famous fighting regiment, the Lancashire Fusiliers (old 20th Foot).

Promoted to be Lieutenant in July 1915, he went to the Western Front with his regiment the same month, and was killed in action on July 7th 1916.

A letter received from a brother officer states: "After leading his company in two charges on the morning of Friday, 7th July, it was necessary for him to order a withdrawal of 100 yards. He remained till the last in the position gained and alone was covering the retirement of his men with his revolver against the assaulting enemy when he was seen to fall wounded."

"The LCC Staff Gazette says: 'He has sacrificed a life full of promise, and his supreme act of devotion will be cherished as a lasting memory." King's College Review. Dec. 1916


First name(s)Edward Leslie Johnson
Family detailsSon of William Edward and Rose Ellen Stockdale, of The Tower, Ely, Cambs.
CollegeKing's College London and/or King's College London Hospital
Dates at collegeAutumn Term 1914
Dept / courseFaculty of Science
Military unitLancashire Fusiliers, "B" Coy. 10th Bn.
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
CampaignsFrance and Flanders July 1915-July 1916
Date of death7 July 1916
Age at death22
Rank at deathLieutenant
Place of deathQuadrangle Support Trench Contalmaison
Cause of deathKilled in action in the Battle of the Somme while alone covering the retirement of his men who were forced to retire after two charges
Commemoration(s)King's College Chapel; Thiepval Memorial; Ely War Memorial; King's School, Ely War Memorial; Little Downham, Cams, War Memorial.
SourcesKing's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves; Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914 - 1918; London University OTC 1914-19

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Stockdale, Edward Leslie Johnson
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