King's College London
War Memorials
Home|Guy's Hospital|Memorial List|Hennessey, Patrick William 

Hennessey, Patrick William

Hennessey, P W H, Corp. Employed in the Works Department. Joined the Queen's Regt., was mentioned in despatches. Killed in action, July 31st, 1917. Guy's Hospital Reports Vol.LXX, War Memorial Number


First name(s)Patrick William
Place of birthAldgate, Middlesex
Family detailsSon of Patrick and Catherine Hennessey, of London; husband of Barbara Hennessey, of 98, Snowsfield, Bermondsey, London
CollegeGuy's Hospital
Military unitQueen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment), 8th Bn.
Place enlistedLondon
Service number6088
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
CampaignsFrance and Flanders
Decorations / medalsMentioned in Despatches
Date of death31 July 1917
Age at death37
Rank at deathSergeant
Cause of deathKilled in action
Burial placeAeroplane Cemetery, Ieper, Belgium
Commemoration(s)Guy's Hospital Memorial
SourcesGuy's Hospital Medical School Records, King's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; Soldiers Died in the Great War

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