King's College London
War Memorials
Home|King's College London|Memorial List|Grimsdell, Gerald Lucien 

Grimsdell, Gerald Lucien

Captain Gerald Lucien Grimsdell, M.C., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Grimsdell of Finchley, died in London on July 6th. He spent three years at King's as a member of the Faculty of Engineering from 1903-1906. King's College Review, Dec. 1918


First name(s)Gerald Lucien
Date of birth1889
Place of birthPancras District
Family detailsSon of Mr. and Mrs. H. Grimsdell of Finchley
CollegeKing's College London and/or King's College London Hospital
Dates at college1903-1906
Dept / courseFaculty of Engineering
Military unitSouth Lancs Regiment, 8th Battn.
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
CampaignsFrance and Flanders Sep 1915 to Aug 1916 wounded and invalided
Decorations / medalsM.C.; Mentioned in Despatches
Citation(s)For conspicuous gallantry during operations. He organised and led a bombing attack against a strong enemy position, took it, and held it against two counter-attacks while the position was being consolidated.
Date of death28 July 1918
Rank at deathCaptain
Place of deathFinchley
Cause of deathPneumonia
Burial placeIslington Cemetery and Crematorium
Commemoration(s)King's College Chapel
SourcesKing's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; University of London O.T.C. 1914-1918

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