King's College London
War Memorials
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Allen, Laurence Raymond

Letter from his father (Frank Allen of 22 Clifton Road, Henlow, Beds). The Squadron Leader’ s account was that they had just crossed into France at La Plage and met fire and further heavy snow clouds which caused them to turn back. They were flying Fighter Bombers and one Pilot had seen a plane diving steeply and had failed to straighten up and then failed to see him after that.

No trace of the pilot or machine had ever been found. An Officer who was well acquainted with that district said the ground was very boggy and most likely the plane had landed in the bog which would cover all traces.


First name(s)Laurence Raymond
Date of birth08 September 1919
Family detailsSon of Frank Duncan Allen and Ethel Alfritha Allen of Henlow, Bedfordshire
Previous educationHitchin Grammar School
CollegeKing's College London and/or King's College London Hospital
Dates at college1938-1939
Dept / courseFaculty of Arts
Military unitRoyal Air Force Volunteer Reserve: 181 Sqdn
Service number123094
War / conflictWorld War Two (1939-1945)
Date of death25/01/1944
Age at death24
Rank at deathFlying Officer
Cause of deathMissing presumed killed The Times 27 Mar 1944
Commemoration(s)King’ s College Chapel; Runnymede Memorial;   Henlow War Memorial, Henlow High St.
SourcesKing’ s College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; The Times

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