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Hare, Bernard Urmston

Killed in action in France on 25 September 1915. Second Lieutenant B.U.Hare, 1st Middlesex Regiment. The much loved youngest son of E. H. Hare, F.R.C.S. and Mrs Hare of Alresford Lodge, Hornsey, N. Age 22 years.

Second Lieutenant Bernard Urmston HARE was educated at Highgate School and was in the Officers Training Corps. He subsequently joined the Artists' Rifles and was attached to them when war broke out. He was given his commission in the 14th Middlesex Regiment in November of last year, but served throughout with the 1st Middlesex in France. He was in command of the regimental bomb-throwers. For many years he was scout-master of the large 66th North London troop of Boy Scouts. Mr Hare was the youngest grandson of Mr Evan Hare, of Putney and late of the Temple, solicitor; he was a law student, and had not war broken out would have sat for his final LL.B. of the University of London last autumn. His eldest brother, Amyas, fell on March 10 at Neuve Chapelle. Mr and Mrs E. H. Hare's eldest surviving son, Frank is serving as second-in-command of a destroyer in the Royal Navy, and their second son, Jack, a lieutenant in the 2/10th Middlesex, has been reported wounded in the Gallipoli Peninsula. The Times Oct. 5, 1915.


First name(s)Bernard Urmston
Date of birth1893
Place of birthEdmonton District
Family detailsSon of Evan Herring Hare, F.R.C.S., and Emily Lucy Hare, of Alresford Lodge, 159 Tottenham Lane, Hornsey, London
Previous educationHighgate School
CollegeKing's College London and/or King's College London Hospital
Dept / courseFaculty of Laws
Military unitMiddlesex Regiment, 14th Bn. and 1st Bn.
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
Decorations / medalsMentioned in Despatches
Date of death25 September 1915
Age at death22
Rank at deathSecond Lieutenant
Cause of deathKilled in action
Commemoration(s)King's College Chapel; Loos Memorial
NotesFormerly of the Artist's Rifles (Officers Training Corps). Scout Master 66th North London Boy Scouts
SourcesKing's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; Soldiers Died in the Great War; The Times

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Hare, Bernard Urmston
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