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Sutton, Vivian Charles Wolfe

Sutton, Vivian Charles Wolfe, 2nd Lieut., The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.), attd. 2/20th Battn.(Blackheath and Woolwich) The London Regt. (T.F.), eldest son of Charles Robert Arnold Sutton, of Sidcup, M.D. (Cantab.), by his wife Charlotte Amelia, dau. of James William Wolfe; born Sidcup, co. Kent, 19 Feb. 1896; educ. Rugby; was an Articled Chartered Accountant; volunteered for active service soon after the outbreak of war, and joined the Honourable Artillery Company in Sept. 1914; served with his battalion in Ireland during the Rebellion, April, 1916; was subsequently transferred to the 2/13th London Regt., and served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following june, where he took part in much fighting, and was present at the operations round Vimy Ridge; proceeded to Salonika in Nov. of the same year, and later to Egypt and Palestine, where he took part in the entry into Jerusalem in Dec. 1917; received a commission and was gazetted 2nd Lieut. The Royal West KentRegt. In March, 1918; e was attached to the 2/20th London Regt., returning to France in the summer of 1918, and was killed in action at Harincourt 14 Sept. following. Buried in Ruyualcourt Military Cemetery. The Adjutant wrote: "He had not been with us very long, but in a comparatively short time had endeared himself to everyone with whom he came in contact. Always willing and cheerful, the Commanding Officer had a great idea of him, and expected great things from him. He told me so several times. It came as a terrible blow to hear of his death. It is hard for me to say what so many of us feel." He was a thorough sportsman, taking an especially keen interest in Rugby football and cricket, at which latter game he played several times for the Honourable Artillery Company. De Ruvigny's Roll of Honour


First name(s)Vivian Charles Wolfe
Date of birth19 February 1896
Place of birthSidcup, Kent
Family detailsSon of Charles Robert Arnold Sutton, M.D. and Charlotte Amelia Sutton, of Clare House, Sidcup, Kent
Previous educationRugby
CollegeKing's College London and/or King's College London Hospital
Military unitQueen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt) . Later London Regiment attd. 2nd/20th Bn.
Date enlistedSeptember 1914
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
Date of death14 September 1918
Age at death22
Rank at death2nd Lieutenant
Place of deathHarincourt
Cause of deathDied of wounds
Burial placeRuyaul Court Military Cemetery
Commemoration(s)King's College Chapel; Sidcup War Memorial
SourcesKing's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914 - 1918; De Ruvigny's Roll of Honour

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