King's College London
War Memorials

Walker, John Arthur

Captain John Arthur Walker, 10th Royal Welsh Fusiliers, the only son of the late John Walker, and of Mrs. Margaret Walker, of Osborne House, Llandudno, was killed on February 19th. Born in 1891 he was educated at Shrewsbury, and on the outbreak of war was keeping Terms at Trinity Hall, Cambridge. He at once joined the O.T.C. and received a commission as second lieutenant on November 13th 1914. Some months later he was promoted lieutenant, and in July last was gazetted to the rank of captain. The Times 26 February 1916


First name(s)John Arthur
Date of birth1891
Place of birthConway District
Family detailsSon of John and Margaret Walker, of Osborne House, Llandudno. Member of Trinity Hall, Cambridge.
Previous educationShrewsbury, Trinity Hall, Cambridge
CollegeKing's College London and/or King's College London Hospital
Military unitRoyal Welsh Fusiliers, 10th Bn.
Date enlisted1914
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
CampaignsFrance and Flanders to Feb. 1916
Date of death19 February 1916
Age at death24
Rank at deathCaptain
Burial placeReninghelst New Military Cemetery
Commemoration(s)King's College Chapel; Llandudno Roll of Honour, Trinity Hall, Cambridge Roll of Honour
SourcesKing's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; The Times; University of London O.T.C 1914-1918

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