Jones, Myrddin Emrys
Myrddin Emrys Jones, Surgeon Lieutenant, Royal Navy. Son of Alderman Robert Evan Jones of Boderwydd,Llanberis, North Wales, by his wife Kate; b. Boderwydd aforesaid 19 Dec. 1894; educ. Llanberis County School, where he matriculated University of London, and was captain of the Football XI., and St. Thomas's Hospital, London S.E.; took the conjoint Diploma in January 1918, and obtained a commission as Temp. Surgeon, Royal Navy, on the 25th of that month, after which he served as House Surgeon at St. Thomas's; was appointed to H.M.S. Indomitable in May 1918, and died at Granton Naval Hospital, Edinburgh, 4 Dec. following from pneumonia, contracted while on active service. Buried at Llangefui, Anglesey. The captain of H.M.S. Indomitable wrote: "I cannot tell you how deeply your dear son's death was felt by us all on board. He was a great favourite. His fine, upright character, his frank nature and good temper, together with his cheerful spirit and his ready smile, had quickly earned him the affection and the respect of both officers and men. I, personally, had a high opinion of him as an officer and a great affection for him, and the head of his department on board, the Senior Medical Officer of the ship, had a very high opinion of him professionally." One of his masters at school wrote; "The traits which stand out most distinctly in my memory are in his manliness and courage and generosity. He was a man in many of his ways when he was quite a small boy, and there were very few things that he feared; he was always ready, too, to deny himself any pleasure for the sake of his friends ...... There is not the least doubt that his professional career would have been such as you would have been immensely proud of. Unmarried. De Ruvigny's Roll of Honour 1914-1918
Surname(s) | Jones |
First name(s) | Myrddin Emrys |
Date of birth | 1894 |
Place of birth | Boderwydd, Llanberis |
Family details | Son of R. E. Jones, of Morannedd, Caernarvon, and the late Kate Jones |
Previous education | Llanberris District Council School |
College | St Thomas' Hospital |
Dates at college | 1913-1918 |
Dept / course | Conjoint Diploma |
Qualifications | M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond. 1918 |
Military unit | Royal Navy, H.M.S. Indomitable |
Date enlisted | January 1918 |
War / conflict | World War One (1914-1918) |
Campaigns | H.M.S. Indomitable May to Dec. 1918 |
Date of death | 4 December 1918 |
Age at death | 24 |
Rank at death | Surgeon Lieutenant |
Place of death | Granton Hospital, Edinburgh |
Cause of death | Pneumonia |
Burial place | Llangefni Cemetery |
Sources | St Thomas's Hospital Medical School Records, King's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; De Ruvigny's Roll of Honour |
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