King's College London
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Home|St Thomas' Hospital|Memorial List|De Verteuil, Fernand Louis Joseph Marie 

De Verteuil, Fernand Louis Joseph Marie

Surgeon. R. N. (Act.) Physician. Born St. Pierre, Martinique, Nov. 25, 1879, son of Dr. F. A. de Verteuil of Trinidad, and Miss Aline Larbannet des Isles. Descended from an old noble Breton family. Great Grandfather, Chevalier de Verteuil, had taken a prominent part in the Vendean War in Brittany, 1793. On defeat of the Royalists, took  refuge in England, where he entered the  British Naval Service. The father of this latter had served as an officer in Montcalm's army at capitulation of Quebec. 1759. Educated St. Mary's College, Trinidad, Edinburgh University; studied medicine at Edinburgh, Dublin, London and Paris. At latter place worked for  six months at Pasteur Institute. Obtained diploma of M. R. C. S. (England); L. R. C. P. (London), Oct., 1904, of M. B. Ch. B. (Edinburgh), July, 1905; M. D.(Edinburgh). 1908. Was commended for thesis on "Specific Nature of Treponema Pallidum." Joined Royal Navy as Surgeon, passing first in competitive examination held London, Nov., 1904. Served  in H. M. ship "Hogue" and "Endymion" as well as at Royal Naval Hospitals at Haslar and Plymouth. Retired from naval service, Oct., 1909, retaining commission as surgeon in Royal Naval service; went to Trinidad, West Indies, Dec, 1909, where engaged for a short time in private practice. While there took prominent part in a Commission of Enquiry into the administration of the Medical Department (June - August, 1910). Came to Vancouver May, 1911. Author of a translation from French "Experimental Prophylaxis of Syphillis" (pub. 1907); contributed various articles  to medical journals on leprosy, radium, etc. Married Feb., 1911, Marie Francizka Urich, daughter of Mr. J. Fritz Urich, of Trinidad. Has one daughter. Recreations: study of medicine, tennis, bridge. Address: Rogers Bldg., Granville St., Vancouver, B. C. ebook Northern Who’s Who (Canada)


Surname(s)De Verteuil
First name(s)Fernand Louis Joseph Marie
Date of birth25 November 1879
Place of birthSt. Pierre
Previous educationCotton R.C. College, Staffs; St. Mary's College, Trinidad; Edinburgh & King's College
CollegeSt Thomas' Hospital
Dates at college1902
Dept / courseLecture on Forensic Medicine, Pathology with Hospital Practice. Qualified.

M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.1904; M. B. Ch. B. (Edinburgh) 1905; M. D.(Edinburgh). 1908

Military unitRoyal Navy, H.M.S. "Good Hope"
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
Rank at deathSurg. Lieut. Comdr.
Cause of deathDrowned in the sinking of H.M.S. Good Hope off the coast of Chile
Commemoration(s)St. Thomas's Hospital Roll of Honour; Portsmouth Naval Memorial; Cotton College, Roll of Honour

St. Thomas’s Archives at King’s College; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; Northern Who’s Who, (Canada)

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