King's College London
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Crowther, George Harry Hillier

Rifleman George Harry Hillier Crowther was born in October, 1888, being educated in turn at Carlisle Grammar School, George Watson's College, Edinburgh, Glasgow High School and the Glasgow University. Entering the scholastic profession, he held appointments at Weston-super-Mare, Newport, Birmingham and London. In October, 1914, he came to King's and entered the Theological Faculty, with a view to ordination. At the end of the Michaelmas Term, 1915, he answered his country's urgent call and joined the Churchman's Battalion of the K.R.R.C. He went to France and took part in some fighting, but he was invalided home suffering from dysentery. After a period of convalescence he was again called upon for service abroad. Only three weeks after his marriage, he was mortally wounded near Ypres on 24th October, 1917, and after lingering for two days in a military hospital, he died and was laid to rest in the British Military Cemetery at Poperinghe. He was a brilliant musician and frequently presided at the organ in the King's College Chapel. He was an earnest student and loved to be of use to his colleagues and in the College he loved so well. His life for his country, His soul to God, R.I.P. King's College Review, June 1918


First name(s)George Harry Hillier
Date of birthOctober 1888
Place of birthLeith, Edinburgh
Family detailsSon of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crowther, of "Penrhyn" 29, King's Avenue, Muswell Hill, London; husband of Ethel Geo. Crowther, of "Elmwood," 2, Elmwood Avenue, Kenton, Harrow, Middx.
Previous educationCarlisle Grammar School, George Watson's College, Edinburgh, Glasgow High School and the Glasgow University
CollegeKing's College London and/or King's College London Hospital
Dates at collegeOct 1914; Evening Student 1915
Dept / courseFaculty of Theology
Military unitKings Royal Rifle Corps 13th Battn
Date enlisted1915
Place enlistedHaringey, Middx
Service numberR/35285
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
CampaignsFrance and Flanders
Date of death6 October 1917 (CWGC); 24 October 1917 (Kings Review); 26 October 1917 (Soldiers Died in the Great War)
Age at death30
Rank at deathLance Corporal- rifleman
Cause of deathWounded near Ypres died after 2 days in hospital.
Burial placeNine Elms British cemetery, Poperinghe, Belgium
Commemoration(s)King's College Chapel
NotesSchoolmaster and Theological Student King's College London. Preparing for Holy Orders, Church of England.
SourcesKing's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; Soldiers Died in the Great War

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Crowther, George Harry Hillier
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