King's College London
War Memorials

Davies, Geraint

Davies, Geraint, Capt., 9th Northumberland Fusiliers. Elder son of Dr. Morgan Davies, M.D., F.R.C.S., Goring Street, St. Mary Axe, was mortally wounded, gallantly leading his men in a counter attack near Neuve Eglise at dawn, Sunday morning, the 14th April, 1918.

Passing the Matriculation in January, 1914, he entered Guy's Hospital for the M.B. course the following October, and passed in "First Medical" in July, 1915. Relinquishing the profession for which he had so many aptitudes he joined the Artists' Rifles O.T.C., November 1915. On the 15th July, 1916, he was gazetted Second Lieutenant to the 4th (Res.) Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers, in which battalion he remained until the end. The story thence onwards is the story of being continually engaged holding various points along the fighting front - at Les Boeufs, Le Transloy, Sailly-Saillisel, St. Leger, Monchy-le-Preux, Gavrelli, Hargicourt, Poel Capelle, Wancourt, Hevin, Armenti?rs, and Bailleul. From Second Lieutenant he was gazetted full Captain on December 27th, 1917 - ample testimony of his capacity and sagacity as an officer. Guy's Hospital Reports Vol.LXX, War Memorial Number


First name(s)Geraint
Date of birth1896
Family detailsElder son of Dr Morgan Davies (MD, FRSC) and Margaret Davies of Goring Street, St Mary Axe, London
Previous educationCentral Foundation School, City Road, London.
CollegeGuy's Hospital
Dates at college1914-1915
Dept / courseLondon M.B.
Military unitArtists Rifles OTC, 14th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers. On arriving in France 14th October 1916 was attached to 9th Northumberland Fusiliers
Date enlistedNovember 1915
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
CampaignsFought along the fighting front at - Les Boefs; Le Transloy; Sailly; Saillisel; St. Leger; Monchy-le- Preux; Gavrelli; Hargicourt; Poel Capille; Wancourt; Hevin; Artmentiers and Bailleul
Decorations / medalsMilitary Cross
Date of deathDawn on Sunday 14th April 1918
Age at death22
Rank at deathCaptain
Place of deathNear Neuve Eglise
Cause of deathMortally wounded while gallantly leading his men in a counter-attack
Burial placeLocre Hospice Cemetery, Belgium
Commemoration(s)Guys Hospital Memorial
SourcesGuy's Hospital Medical School Records, King's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; Soldiers died in the Great War

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