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War Memorials
Home|Guy's Hospital|Memorial List|Robinson, William Beresford 

Robinson, William Beresford

William Beresford Robinson, M.B., B.S. Lond., M.R.C.S.., L.R.C.P.; died May 12th, 1918; born at Christchurch, New Zealand, in 1888, he matriculated in New Zealand, and came to England by way of India in 1907. In October of that year he entered at Guy's and passed the Primary Fellowship in 1910, giving promise of a brilliant career.

In 1911 he was laid up for three months with an attack of acute rheumatoid arthritis, from which his recovery was slow, but he, nevertheless, qualified with his contemporaries in 1912, and passed the M.B., B.S., in May, 1913. He held the appointments of Clinical Assistant, A.H.S., O.P.O., and H.P. to Sir Cooper Perry. He was a member of the hospital shooting eight, and during his last three months at hospital was President of the Residents. Subsequent to this he went into private practice in Sutton until the beginning of 1916, when, feeling that he would sooner be doing something more directly connected with the war, he joined the staff of the 2nd London General Hospital at Chelsea where he worked until he contracted septicæmia in January, 1918.

There is no doubt that by his death a career of brilliant promise has been cut short. Respected and liked, his unselfishness and willingness to help contributed largely to the comfort and well-being of those around him, and he persisted in continuing his work until forced to give up on account of his ill-health. He leaves a widow and one child. Guy's Hospital Reports Vol.LXX, War Memorial Number


First name(s)William Beresford
Date of birth1888
Place of birthChristchurch, New Zealand
Family detailsSon of William Robinson of Riccarton Road, opp. Deans Road, Christchurch. In College Register: c/o Rev, Dr. W. Thomson, The Vicarage, Tetbury, Glos.
Previous educationBoys' High School, Christchurch, N.Z.
CollegeGuy's Hospital
Dates at college1907-1913
Dept / courseLondon M.B.
QualificationsM.B., B.S. May 1913
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
Date of death12/05/1918
Cause of deathSepticaemia
Commemoration(s)Guy's Hospital Memorial
NotesNoted in the Student Register that a letter had been received to say that Mr. William Robinson has altered his name at the University, the College and the Gen. Med. Council, to William Beresford Robinson (his baptismal name). Not on Commonwealth War Graves Commission and Soldiers Died in the Great War
SourcesGuy's Hospital Medical School Records, King's College London Archives

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