King's College London
War Memorials
Home|St Thomas' Hospital|Memorial List|Bridges, Roland Harley 

Bridges, Roland Harley

Lieut.-Colonel Roland Harley Bridges, D.S.O., R.A.M.C. was drowned on service recently, aged 39. He was born on February 7th 1879, the third son of the late Colonel Charles Harley Bridges, Bengal Staff Corps, and was educated at St. Thomas's Hospital, taking the M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P. Lond. He entered the R.A.M.C. as lieutenant on January the 31st 1903, became captain on July 31st 1906; major on October 31st 1914, and lieutenant-colonel in 1917. He received the D.S.O. on June 3rd 1917. British Medical Journal, 7 September 1918

To the beloved memory of Lieut.-Col. Roland Harley Bridges, D.S.O., R.A.M.C., accidentally drowned at Jaffa on August 22, 1918, while on active service with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force. St Thomas's Hospital Gazette, October 1921


First name(s)Roland Harley
Date of birth7 February 1879
Family detailsSon of the late Col. Charles Harley Bridges and Mrs E. N. Bridges, of Heathfield, Kilmington, Axminster, Devon
CollegeSt Thomas' Hospital
Dates at college1897-1902
Dept / courseConjoint Diploma
QualificationsM.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 1902
Military unitR.A.M.C.
Date enlisted31 January 1903
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
Decorations / medalsD.S.O., Mentioned in despatches
Age at death39
Rank at deathLieut-Col.
Cause of deathAccidentally drowned while on active service
Burial placeRamleh War Cemetery, Israel
SourcesSt Thomas's Hospital Medical School Records, King's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; British Medical Journal

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