King's College London
War Memorials


The aim of this project is to provide an up-to-date list, and where available detailed biographies, of students and staff from King's College and its partner institutions that gave their lives in twentieth century conflicts.

Research was started in 2009 by a team of volunteers from the University of the Third Age (U3A) led by Wendy Mott of Hounslow U3A. The project team utilised student records, obituaries, press cuttings and specialist publications held in King's College London Archives, together with information from external websites and databases compiled to form detailed biographies of the war dead. King's Archives also hold records for other institutions covered by this project, following a series of recent institutional mergers - Guy's Hospital & Medical School and St Thomas' Hospital & Medical School. Records from other partner colleges including Queen Elizabeth and Chelsea Colleges will hopefully be added at a later date.

The project focuses on the records of those killed in the two World Wars - data on other conflicts is being published as it becomes available along with updates to existing records, including photographs. The quantity and quality of information is uneven - not all archival records have survived the passage of time and the team welcomes input from descendents of the fallen who can provide fresh insights into the lives of their ancestors, the contributions they made to College life and their war records.


King's College London Archives and the project team would like to thank Professor Rick Trainor, Principal of King's College London, for his generous support of this project.

Research team:

Wendy Mott, Project Leader (Hounslow U3A), Jennifer Anning, Project Co-ordinator (Kingston U3A), Cyril Dainow (North London U3A), Pam Dunnett (Wandsworth U3A), Joan Hardinges (Hackney U3A), Tony Mayes (Bexley U3A), Debbie Seedburgh (North London U3A), Jack Seedburgh (North London U3A), Mary Southey (Hillingdon U3A), Kate Woodruff (Wandsworth U3A) and Pat Wooster (Hillingdon U3A).

Archives & production team:

Geoff Browell, Diana Manipud, Stephen Miller, Frances Pattman and Lianne Smith.

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