King's College London
War Memorials
Home|King's College London|Memorial List|Swinburne, Thomas Reid 

Swinburne, Thomas Reid


First name(s)Thomas Reid
Date of birthFebruary 1898
Place of birthDarlington
Family detailsSon of Thomas Baker Swinburne, and Mary Hannah (née Reid) Swinburne, of Moss Grange, Finchley, London.
Previous educationWestminster School
CollegeKing's College London and/or King's College London Hospital
Dept / coursePreliminary Classes
Military unitRoyal Naval Air Service No. 1 Squadron
Date enlisted01 June 1916
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
Date of death08 June 1917
Age at death19
Rank at deathFlight Sub Lt.
Commemoration(s)King's College Chapel; Arras Flying Services Memorial; Dover Patrol Book of Remembrance; Royal Navy Air Services Casualties 1914-1918

Flight Sub-Lieutenant T. R. Swinburne, R.N., who has been missing since June 8th and is now presumed by the Admiralty to have been killed on that date, was the only son of Major and Mrs T. R. Swinburne, of Holmwood, Beechwood Avenue, Finchley and formerly of Glassensikes, Darlington. Born in February, 1898, he was educated at Westminster School, and King's College, London. Joining the R.N.A.S. in June 1916, he went to France in May, 1917. Flight March 21st 1918​. Republished by The Times 12/04/1918

SourcesKing's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves; The Times; Flight

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