King's College London
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Gregory, Anthony Gordon

Prob. Temp. Surg. Lieut. Anthony Gordon Gregory, R.N.V.R., is reported missing, presumed killed, in an Admiralty Casualty List published on May 18. He was born on Dec. 7, 1917, the son of Mrs. E. M. Gregory of Colchester, and qualified M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. in 1941. He entered the R.N.V.R. soon afterwards, and was serving in H.M.S. Jaguar when she was lost. British Medical Journal 30 May 1942


First name(s)Anthony Gordon
Date of birth07-Dec-17
Family detailsSon of Mrs. E. M. Gregory of Colchester
CollegeSt Thomas' Hospital
Dates at college1935-1941
Dept / courseLondon Matric then M.B.
QualificationsM.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 1941
Military unitRoyal Naval Volunteer Reserve, H.M.S. Jaguar
War / conflictWorld War Two (1939-1945)
Date of death26-Mar-42
Rank at deathSurgeon Lieutenant
Cause of deathMissing presumed killed
Commemoration(s)St. Thomas’ s Roll of Honour in the chapel; Plymouth Naval Memorial; Roll of the Fallen, University of London O.T.C.
NotesSurgeon Lieutenant Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. St. Thomas’ s Hospital. Missing believed killed. University of London O.T.C. Roll of the Fallen 1939-1945
During escort of HM RFA SLAVOK with Greek destroyer QUEEN OLGA came under attack by U652 .Whilst rescuing survivors from RFA which had been set on fire aft being torpedoed by U652 was herself hit by two torpedoes from same submarine in position north east of Sollum (31.53N 26.18N.). Sank immediately with only 53 survivors who were rescued by HM Whaler KLO (SANF). 193 of ship’ s company lost their lives.
SourcesSt Thomas’ s Hospital Medical School Records, King’ s College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; British Medical Journal; University of London O.T.C. Roll of the Fallen 1939-1945

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