King's College London
War Memorials

Ackroyd, Harold

Ackroyd, Harold, Capt., V.C., M.C., M.D. Son of Mr. Edward Ackroyd, of Southport. Educated at Shrewsbury, Cambridge, and Guy's Hospital. He took Cambridge B.A. in 1899, and subsequently proceeded to his M.A., B.Ch., M.D. and other medical degrees. For some years he was engaged in research work at Cambridge, while holding a British Medical Association Scholarship. In February, 1915, he joined the R.A.M.C. as a Temp. Lieut. and was subsequently promoted Captain. He went to France in August, 1915, and gained the M.C. for conspicuous gallantry as a Battalion Doctor. He was slightly wounded July 31st, 1917, but remaining on duty, was killed in action August 11th, 1917. After his death he was awarded the V.C., which, together with his M.C. was presented to his widow and small son at Buckingham Palace.

Captain Harold Ackroyd, V.C., M.C., M.D., late RAMC (attached R. Berks Regt) was the son of Mr Edward Ackroyd, for many years Chairman of the Southport & Cheshire Lines Extension Railway Company. He received his education at Mr. Clough's school. Mintholme College, Park Crescent, Southport, and then proceeded to Shrewsbury, and Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge., where he took his BA in 1899, and subsequently proceeded to his MA., B.Ch., MD., and other medical degrees.

He was never in private practice. For some time he was at Guy's Hospital, London and later was the House Surgeon at Queen's Hospital, Birmingham. Then for a period he was at the David Lewis Northern Hospital, Liverpool. After that he secured a British Medical Association Scholarship, and for some years was engaged in research work at Cambridge.

In Feb 1915, he was commissioned as a temporary Lieutenant in the R.A.M.C., being afterwards promoted to Captain. He went to France in August 1915, and was invalided home in August 1916, and went out again about November. In the meantime he received notification that he had been awarded the Military Cross for conspicuous bravery as a battalion Doctor. Capt Ackroyd was married in 1908, and up to that time he resided in Southport, since when he has resided at Royston, in Hertfordshire.

After his death Capt Ackroyd was awarded the VC., and at a recent investiture at Buckingham Palace his widow and small son received it and the Military Cross. Guy's Hospital Reports Vol LXX, War Memorial Number


First name(s)Harold
Date of birth18 July 1877
Place of birthSouthport, Lancashire
Family detailsSon of Edward Ackroyd, of Southport; husband of Mabel R. Ackroyd, of Link Lodge, Malvern Link
Previous educationMontholme College, Southport; Shrewsbury; Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
CollegeGuy's Hospital
Dates at college1899-1904
Dept / courseMedical Science
QualificationsB.A.; M.A.; B.Ch.; M.D.
Military unitR.A.M.C., Royal Berkshire Regiment, attd 6th Bn
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
CampaignsFrance Aug. 1915 - Aug. 1916 (invalided home). October 1916
Decorations / medalsM.C.; V.C.
Citation(s)M.C. - For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during operations. He attended the wounded under heavy fire, and finally, when he had seen that all our wounded from behind the line had got in, he went out beyond the front line and brought in both our own and enemy wounded, although continually sniped at. London Gazette 20 October 1916
V.C. - Utterly regardless of danger he worked continuously for many hours up & down and in front of the lines tendering the wounded and saving the lives of Officers and men. In so doing he had to move across the open under heavy machine gun fire, rifle and shell fire. He carried a wounded officer to a place of safety under very heavy fire. On another occasion he went some way in front of our advanced line and brought in a wounded man under continuous sniping and machine gun fire. His Heroism was the means of saving many lives and provided a magnificent example of courage, cheerfulness, and determination to the fighting men in whose midst he was carrying our his splendid work. This gallant officer has since been killed in action. London Gazette, 6 September 1917
Date of death11 August 1917
Age at death40
Burial placeBirr Cross Roads Cemetery, Ieper, Belgium
Commemoration(s)Guy's Hospital Memorial; Gonville & Cauis College, Cambridge Roll of Honour
SourcesGuy's Hospital Medical School Records, King's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; London Gazette

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