King's College London
War Memorials

Robson, Albert Frank


First name(s)Albert Frank
Family detailsSon of Mr F. Robson of Clapham Common. Husband of Winifred Alice Robson of 53, Wroughton Rd., Clapham Common, London
CollegeKing's College London and/or King's College London Hospital
Dept / courseScience, Physics
Military unitThe Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment) 10th Bn.
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
CampaignsFrance and Flanders May-September 1916 (wounded), April 1917-May 1917(wounded and inval); Italy November 1917-March 1918: France March 1918.
Date of death24 March 1918
Age at death25
Rank at deathCaptain
Place of deathVaulx Vraucourt.
Cause of deathKilled in action
Commemoration(s)King's College Chapel; Arras Memorial
NotesAssistant master at Sir Walter St. John's School, Battersea, London
SourcesKing's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves; Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914 - 1919; University Of London O.T.C. 1914-19

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