King's College London
War Memorials

Maurice, Sterling

Lieutenant Sterling (Doc) Maurice, 1st Wessex Field Company, Royal Engineers, was wounded on May 11 in Flanders, and died the same day. He was 28 years of age and the sixth son of the late Major-General Sir Frederick Maurice, K.C.B., and of Lady Maurice, Highland View, Camberley, and grandson of the late Denison Maurice. He was educated at St. Paul's School and King's College London, where he studied engineering, obtaining his B.Sc., and becoming a student member of the Institute of Civil Engineers, later qualifying as A.M.I.C.E. He worked as an engineer with various companies in England and abroad in West Africa, being at the outbreak of war assistant to Mr Fearnside Irvine, 1, London-wall-buildings. Lieutenant Maurice belonged for eight years to the Inns of Court O.T.C., and on the declaration of war he obtained his commission and joined the Wessex Engineers, going to France with his unit in December. He was wounded on a former occasion, April 19, but remained at his post. The General of his division, in writing of him, said:- "He was a most promising young officer, and has since his arrival in this country done as hard and good work for his country as anyone out here. We shall miss him in the division". And a colonel of another regiment writes of him that "He worked with me in many a difficult and dangerous situation, and I learnt to appreciate most fully his capacity and gallantry in helping us to improve and render tenable positions that had become difficult. We were always glad when he came on duty; we knew he would give us good and practical advice and assistance. His death is indeed a dreadful loss to the service." Lieutenant Maurice married, last November, Hope, only child of Mr and Mrs Fearnside Irvine, Ach-na-Cree, Ridgeway, Horsell. His eldest brother is Brigadier-General Maurice, C.B., on the Headquarters Staff, and another brother, Captain L Maurice, R.E., was wounded in Flanders two months ago. The Times June 3, 1915


First name(s)Sterling
Family detailsSixth son of the late Major-General Sir Frederick Maurice, K.C.B., and of Lady Maurice, Highland View, Camberley, and grandson of the late Denison Maurice
Previous educationSt. Paul's
CollegeKing's College London and/or King's College London Hospital
Dates at college1907
Dept / courseFaculty of Engineering
Military unitRoyal Engineers, 2nd (Wessex) Field Coy.
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
Date of death11 May 1915
Age at death28
Rank at deathLieutenant
Cause of deathDied of wounds
Burial placeLijssenthoek Military Cemetery
Commemoration(s)King's College Chapel
NotesCertificate of Honour 1907/8 - Heat engines, Theory of machines.
SourcesKing's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; Soldiers Died in the Great War

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