King's College London
War Memorials
Home|Guy's Hospital|Memorial List|Stanwell, William Alexander 

Stanwell, William Alexander

The late Second-Lieutenant William Alexander Stanwell was the only son of Dr. and Mrs. Stanwell, of Rochdale. He received his early education at Blundell’s School, and entered Guy’s in October, 1913, having passed his London Matriculation Examination in the previous July. At the outbreak of war he was working for his First M.B.(London) examination.

Lieutenant Stanwell was attached to the 2nd Lancashire Fusiliers.  He was only 21 years of age.  At the time the war broke out he was studying for his father’s profession of medicine at Guy’s Hospital.  He had then already had some military training, had been for five years in his school cadet corps in Devonshire and had afterward become a private in the Artists’ Rifles in London.  With the Artists’ Rifles he went to the front in France in October 1914 and was later awarded a commission and transferred to the 2nd Battalion the Lancashire Fusiliers. 

He was killed in action on July 9th and so the Hospital has lost another of her younger sons who gave up everything to go out and fight for his country. We offer our sincere sympathies to all his relatives and friends.  Guy’s Hospital Reports Vol.LXX, War Memorial Number



First name(s)William Alexander
Date of birth1894
Place of birthRochdale
Family details

Only son of Dr William Stanwell of Drakes Street, Rochdale, Lancashire

Previous educationBlundell's School
CollegeGuy's Hospital
Dates at college1913-1914
Dept / courseMedical Student
Military unit3rd Lancashire Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion
Date enlisted1914
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
Date of death09/07/1915
Age at death21
Place of deathFlanders
Cause of deathKilled in action
Commemoration(s)Guy's Hospital Memorial; Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial

Guy’s Hospital Archives at King’s College; Commonwealth War Graves Commission

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