King's College London
War Memorials
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Hull, Edward Cecil Gordon

Lieutenant Hull was the elder son of Edward Gordon Hull, M.D., and Mrs. Hull of Beaufort Lodge, Streatham Common. He was educated at the Streatham and City of London Schools, and was studying Divinity at King's College when war broke out. He had passed all examinations when he left to join the R.F.A. in 1915 at the age of 23, and had he returned the B.D. degree would have been conferred upon him. He was head of the College Social and Athletic Union, being a keen sportsman and having won several medals. He was wounded in August, 1916, and went to the Front again last July, being killed on August 26th. His C.O. writes: "I was overjoyed when he came to join me once more. . . We all miss him terribly. Although such a short time with us we all appreciated his noble ideas and work." The Dean of the College writing speaks of his fine qualities and exceptional promise, and one of his old schoolmasters says: "How I loved the boy! He was, and when I say that I say everything, in every respect a true English gentleman." His unassuming kindliness and unfailing cheerfulness will be deeply missed by his many friends. King's College Review, December 1917


First name(s)Edward Cecil Gordon
Date of birth1891
Place of birthStockton District
Family detailsElder son of Edward Gordon Hull, M.A., M.D., and Annie Hull, of Beaufort Lodge, Streatham Common
Previous educationStreatham and City of London Schools
CollegeKing's College London and/or King's College London Hospital
Dates at college1912-15
Dept / courseTheology
Military unitRoyal Horse Artillery; Royal Field Artillery 30th Bty. 39th Bde.
Date enlisted1915
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
CampaignsFrance & Flanders 1916 (wounded & inval.) and July to Aug. 1917
Decorations / medalsBritish War and Victory Medals
Date of death26 August 1917
Age at death26
Rank at death2nd Lieutenant
Place of deathFrance
Cause of deathKilled by a shell
Burial placeCoxyde Military Cemetery
Commemoration(s)King's College Chapel
NotesWounded August 1916. Returned to Front July 1917
SourcesKing's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; University of London O.T.C. 1914-1918

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