King's College London
War Memorials
Home|St Thomas' Hospital|Memorial List|Gruer, Lawrence Harold 

Gruer, Lawrence Harold


First name(s)Lawrence Harold
Family detailsSon of the Hon. Mr. Justice Harold George Gruer, M.A., I.C.S., and Eileen Gruer
Previous educationMerchiston Castle School, Edinburgh
CollegeSt Thomas' Hospital
Dates at college1939-1940
Dept / courseM.B. London
Military unitRoyal Air Force, 139 Sqdn
Service number1166485
War / conflictWorld War Two (1939-1945)
Date of death30-Jul-41
Age at death20
Rank at deathSergt. Pilot
Place of deathLost over the sea
Cause of deathKilled in action
Commemoration(s)St. Thomas’ s Roll of Honour in the chapel; Merchiston Castle School Memorial; Runnymede Memorial

In 1939 his home address was 83 Duthie Terrace, Aberdeen, Scotland

SourcesSt Thomas’ s Hospital Medical School Records, King’ s College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission

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