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Home|Guy's Hospital|Memorial List|Scott-Pillow, Henry Montgomery 

Scott-Pillow, Henry Montgomery

Mr. H. M. Scott-Pillow entered Guy's as a Dental Student in May, 1914. Shortly after the outbreak of war he joined the Public Schools Corps, and was later given a commission in the Middlesex Regiment from which he transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. He went to France in July of this year (1917), and was killed in action on August 8th. The officer commanding the 7th Squadron Royal Flying Corps, to which he was attached, writes of him to his mother, " your son had shown himself a very promising and capable pilot, who always did his work well, and he endeared himself to all with whom he came in contact." Guy's Hospital Reports Vol.LXX, War Memorial Number

Second Lieutenant Henry Montgomery Scott Pillow, R.F.C,, was killed on August 8th. He was born in March 1895, and was the second son of Mrs. Pillow, Chief Examiner of the Government Colleges for training teachers in cookery and domestic science and vice chairman of the Public Service Board, and of the late Edward Pillow, for many years Education Secretary to the Norfolk County Council. He was educated at Norwich Grammar School, and was a student at Guy’s Hospital. Within a month of the outbreak of war he joined the Public Schools Brigade, and shortly afterwards went on active service abroad as a private in the Royal Fusiliers. After seven months of service in the trenches he was sent home to train for a commission, and in due course was gazetted to the Middlesex Regiment and later transferred to the R.F.C. After gaining the full qualifications, he went to the front on July 28th, and met his death within 10 days. His elder brother, now the only surviving child of Mrs. Pillow, is also an officer, and is serving abroad. The Times 15 August 1917 


First name(s)Henry Montgomery
Date of birth31 March 1895
Place of birthNorwich
Family detailsSon of Mrs Margaret Eleanor Pillow, 10a Castle Meadow, Norwich
CollegeGuy's Hospital
Dates at college1914
Dept / courseL.D.S.
Military unitMiddlesex Regiment; Royal Flying Corps 7th Sqdn
Date enlistedWithin a month of outbreak of war
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
Date of death8 August 1917
Rank at deathSecond Lieutenant
Cause of deathkilled in action
Burial placeMendinghem Military Cemetery, Belgium
Commemoration(s)Guy's Hospital Memorial

In reports his surname varies between Pillow and Scott-Pillow, but he is shown at birth as Henry Montgomery S. Pillow and signed the Admission Register at Guy's as 'Pillow, Henry Montgomery Scott. He is also shown on a Guy’s list of Serving Men in Oct. 1916 as Pillow, H. M. S. He is on St. Peter Mancroft War Memorial as Pillow, Henry and on St. Laurence as Pillow, H.M.  Several records of the family at Norfolk Record Office show him as Henry Montgomery Pillow; a Membership Certificate for the Carlyle Club, 211 Piccadilly, was issued to Henry M. S. Pillow on 3 November 1916.

The photo was taken by Vandyke of Norwich. The reverse of the image contains the following hand written note: Henry Montgomery Scott Pillow, May 1915. Public Schools Comp[any]. 2043 A Company, 18th Royal Fusiliers.

SourcesGuy's Hospital Medical School Records, King's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; Soldiers Died in the Great War; The Times

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Scott-Pillow, Henry Montgomery
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