King's College London
War Memorials
Home|Guy's Hospital|Memorial List|Pitt-Payne, William Stephens 

Pitt-Payne, William Stephens

Pitt-Payne –  In Oct. 1943, in India, Flight Lieutenant William Stephens Pitt-Payne, R.A.F.V.R., husband of Evelyn and second son of Dr. and Mrs. Pitt-Payne of Bromley, Kent. The Times 9 Nov. 1943


First name(s)William Stephens
Date of birth13 April 1906
Place of birthGreenwich Registration District
Family detailsSon of William and Letitia Pitt-Payne; husband of Evelyn Katharine Barnard Pitt-Payne, of Beckenham, Kent.
Previous educationDulwich College
CollegeGuy's Hospital
Dates at college1926 - 1932
Dept / courseM.B., B.S. Lond.
QualificationsHilton Prize 1928; L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. 1932; L.M.S.S.A.Lond. 1932
Military unitRoyal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Service number68114
War / conflictWorld War Two (1939-1945)
Date of deathbetween 23 October 1943 and 24 October 1943
Age at death38
Rank at deathFlight Lieutenant
Place of deathIndia
Cause of deathDied on active service
Burial placeDelhi War Cemetery
Commemoration(s)Guys Memorial: University of London O.T.C. Roll of the Fallen;
NotesIn 1939 his address was 2 Hayes Road, Bromley, Kent
SourcesGuy’ s Hospital Medical School Records, King’ s College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; University of London O.T.C.

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