King's College London
War Memorials
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Chapman, Laurence Vaughan

Lieutenant Lawrence Vaughan B.A., LLB, of the 2nd Rifle Brigade, killed in Flanders was a son of Mr. L. Chapman, of Sunbury-on-Thames, and grandson of the late Rev. I. M. Chapman M.A., Fellow of Balliol and rector of Tendring, Essex. He was educated at King's College School and the University of London; of the latter he was a prizeman, medallist and exhibitioner, taking his degree in both arts and law with honours. After serving his articles he passed the solicitors articles with honours and was appointed by Sir H. Holden a member of the legal staff of the City and Midland Bank. He was gazetted from the Reserve of Officers to the Rifle Brigade on May 5, 1914, and left for the front on May 13, 1915. He was promoted lieutenant in July last. The Times 4 October 1915


First name(s)Laurence Vaughan
Family detailsSon of Lawrence and Emily Chapman, of Riverside House, Sunbury-on-Thames.
Previous educationKing's College School
CollegeKing's College London and/or King's College London Hospital
Dept / courseFaculty of Laws
QualificationsB.A. (Lond.), L.L.B. (Honours), Lond., A.K.C., King's College London. Solicitor's Final (Honours).
Military unitRifle Brigade, 2nd Bn.
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
Date of death25 September 1915
Age at death28
Rank at deathLieutenant
Cause of deathBomb explosion - he had been holding a captured trench for 4 hours, in spite of counter attacks, when a bomb exploded.
Commemoration(s)King's College Chapel; Ploegsteert Memorial, Belgium; Sunbury-on-Thames War Memorial; St. Mary the Virgin, Sunbury-on-Thames
SourcesKing's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; University of London O.T.C. 1914-19; The Times

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Chapman, Laurence Vaughan
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