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Victorian Lives
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Abbay, Richard
Acheson, Florence Marianne
Adamson, John William
Adolphus, Otto
Aguirre, Modesto Benito
Allan, Francis John
Allen, John
Allsup, William
Almack, Edward
Ameuny, Antonius George
Anderson, James S M
Anderson, John Henry
Angelo, Henry Charles
Appleby, Henry
Ardagh, Richard Drapes
Armbruster, Hubert Joseph Karl
Atkins, Henry Gibson
Atkins, John
Austen-Leigh, Cholmeley
Awdry, Charles
Bailey, William
Ball, Charles James
Ballard, John
Barnard, Handford
Barrett, James William
Barrow, Albert Boyce
Bartlett, James
Barwell, Mildred Emily
Bazalgette, QC, Evelyn
Beale, Peyton Todd Bowman
Beeching, Henry Charles
Beevor, 5th Baronet, Hugh Reeve
Belcher, Robert Henry
Bell, Francis Jeffrey
Bell, George
Bell, George William
Bell, Hutchinson Royes
Bell, John David
Bellamy, Edward
Bene, Albert Gardner
Bennett, James Robert Sterndale
Bernays, Adolphus
Berry, Marlborough James
Bevington, Henry
Bicknell, William
Bidaud-Ville, Emile
Biddell, Henry
Biden, William Maxwell
Biggs, Michael
Blake, George
Bloxam, Arthur Charles
Blyth, James Stephen
Boscawen, William St Chad
Bottomley, James Thomson
Bottomley, William Beecroft
Bourne, Charles William
Bouvier, Emile Paul
Bradley, Frederick Alfred
Bradley, Thomas
Braginton, Blanche
Braginton, Sophia
Braginton, William
Brasseur, Isidore
Bridgman, William David Jones
Brodie, Thomas Grigor
Bromley, Nathaniel
Brookes, Walter Tyrrell
Brooksmith, Edward
Brown, Charles Abbott
Browne, Edward Harold
Browne, Robert William
Browne, T Murray
Brownsea, Stephen
Bruce, Charles
Bryett, Lewis Thomas Fraser
Buchheim, E S
Buck, Lewis
Bull, George J
Burgess, William Arnold
Burghard, Frédéric Francois
Burghope, Robert Haywood
Burgoyne, Thomas T
Burstall, Henry Frederick William
Burton, W S
Butler, Daniel
Cadman, Arthur Wellesley
Caldecott, Alfred
Calderón, Juan (also known as John)
Callaghan, Arthur Fletcher
Cambridge, Duke of, George
Cameron, H
Campbell, Donald
Campbell, John
Cane, H
Canter, James
Capper, David Sing
Cargill, Lionel Vernon
Carless, Albert
Caroll, Ellen
Carr, Thomas Swinburn
Carrias, Victoriano
Carrodus, Fred
Carte, Thomas Sampson
Cartwright, Ernest Henry
Cartwright, Samuel
Cartwright, Samuel Hamilton
Cash, John Theodore
Castellote, Ramon
Castle, Edward James
Castle, Henry James
Cates, S S
Cerisier, Jean Jacques Edmond
Chamberlain, Henry
Chambers, Mary Agatha
Chance, Edward John
Chapman, James
Charles, Frederick
Charlton, Isaac
Charpentier, Francois
Cheadle, John Henry
Cheatle, George Lenthal
Cheere, Robert
Chestnutt, R Gilbert
Cholmondeley, 2nd Marquess of Cholmondeley, George Horatio
Church, Arthur Herbert
Clarke, E
Clarke, Franklin
Clarke, Henry James
Clarke, Richard
Clarke, William Fairlie
Clarke, William Jones
Clarkson, Thomas
Claugton, Thomas Legh
Clay, Richard
Clinton, James
Coates, John Victor Hubert
Cock, John Edward
Cock, Thomas Ashley
Collins, Charles
Collins, Edward
Colls, Percy Cooper
Comyn, Arthur James
Connop Thirlwell, (Newell)
Constantinides, Michael
Cook, Edmund Alleyne
Cooke, George
Cooke, Robert
Copeland, William Taylor
Coxe, William Henry
Crichton-Stuart, 2nd Marquess of Bute, John
Cripps, Frederick Richard
Cronin, Daniel
Crookshank, Edgar March
Cross, Francis Richardson
Crowe, G Jackson
Cunningham, Charles Hamlet
Cunningham, John William
Curnow, John
Currey, George
Curteis, George Herbert
Curtoys, Joaquimo Antonio
Curzon-Howe, 1st Earl Howe, Richard William
Cust, 1st Earl Brownlow, John
Cutler, John
D - F
D'Orsey, Caroline M A
D'Orsey, Alexander James Donald
D'Oyly, Charles John
Dale, John Borthwick
Dale, Thomas James
Dale, William Kelynack
Dalton, Norman
Daniell, George William
Danvers, Frederick Dawes
Dark, Sidney Thomas Edwin
Dasent, Charles Underwood
Davidson, Sara Mildred
Davis, J F
Davis, Samuel
Davison, Robert Arthur Poole
Dawson, George
Day, Edwin Evan
Day, Richard Evan
de Alcalá, José María Jiménez
de Mendibil, Don Pablo
de Natoye, Ernest Chaveau
de Santa Maria, Don Jose
de Villalobos, Angel
Delbos, Leon
Delille, Charles Jean Francois
Dendrino, Anastasius Nicolas
Dennison, William
Dickins, Frederick Victor
Dicks, Walter James
Dietert, Maximilian Arminius Gustavus
Donavan, John
Donavan, Susan
Douglas, Robert Kennaway
Drew, William Henry
Duffield, Charles
Duffin, Alfred Baynard
Duncombe, 1st Earl of Feversham, William Ernest
Duncombe, Augustus
Dunn, William
Dupuis, Alexandre Louis
Dury, Henry Stephen
Dyde, C
Eade, Edwin Arthur
Eastwood, George
Edgar, Joseph Haythorne
Edwards, Joseph
Edwards, Reginald Walter Kenrick
Egerton, Edward Christopher
Elcum, Charles Cunningham
Ellis, William Francis Rosslewin
Elsee, Charles
Esam, Harold
Esclangon, Amedee J.
Escombe, Ferguson
Evans, (David) Conway
Evans, William George
Eves, Philmer
Fairbrother, E H
Fasnacht, J
Fawcett, Millicent Garrett
Fearnley, John
Fearon, Samuel Turner
Fellows, Benjamin
Fergus, J F
Festing, John Wogan
Finch, Frederick
Fisher, George
Flagg, Ambrose Thomas
Fletcher, Herbert Phillips
Fletcher, John
Fletcher, William
Forster, Edward Montague
Forrest, F
Foster, William
Fowler, Harris
Fox, Edwin Storrs
French, William
Frere, George
Fricker, William Henry
Frye, Charles Flatman
Fuller, John Mee
G - I
Gamage, J W
Garborit, Louis
Garston, M A J
Gaskell, George Percival
Gassion, Francois Hubert
Gault, James
Geare, Edward Arundel
Geare, Reginald
Gibbings, Ashley
Gill, Ernest Compton
Gill, Wilfred Austin
Gillies, Hugh Cameron
Giraud, Henry Arthur
Gleeson, John
Glennie, Benjamin
Glenny, William Joseph
Glover, Richard
Glyn, Edward Carr
Goldsmid, Frederic
Goodeve, Thomas Minchin
Goodwin, Edmund
Goolden, Walter Thomas
Gough, 4th Baron Calthorpe, Frederick
Gough, Arthur
Gray, John S
Green, Robert Bakewell
Green, Thomas
Gregory, George
Griffin, Edmund Fuller
Griffiths, Colonel Leonard
Griffiths, Joseph
Grosjean, Henry
Groves, Frederick W
Groves, James William
Groves, Joseph
Gurney, John Hampden
Haddock, William Proudfoot
Haddon, James
Hadow, Edward Ash
Hagreen, Harry William Owen
Hales, John Francis
Hales, John Wesley
Hall, Alexander
Hall, Thomas Grainger
Halse, Emmeline
Harben, Henry
Harcourt, Caroline Elizabeth
Harcourt, Edith
Harcourt, Egerton Venables Vernon
Harcourt, Robert Frederick Millar [Muller]
Hardwich, Thomas Frederick
Harley, John
Harris, James
Hartley, Walter Noel
Harwood, W
Hatcher, William Henry
Hawkins, Ernest
Hawkins, Francis Bisset
Hayer, George
Hayes, J
Hayes, Robert
Hayes, Thomas Crawford
Hayes, William
Heathcote, fifth baronet, William
Helby, Ernest Hasler
Heller, William Mayhowe
Hendy, George Richard
Heneage Gibbes, Heneage
Herbert, 3rd Earl of Powis, Edward James
Herroun, Edward Felix
Hervey, 1st Marquess of Bristol, Frederick William
Hetherington, William Lonsdale
Hewlett, Richard Tanner
Heywood, James John Rev.
Higgins, Clement
Higgs, Richard William
Highsted, George
Hill, William
Hines, Charlotte
Hinks, Robert
Hoare, Charles
Hobbs, William George
Hobhouse, Henry
Hodgeson, Richard
Hodgson, Alfred Graham
Holden, Albert William
Hole, Charles
Holmes, Ernest
Holmes, Ralph
Holthouse, Edwin Hermus
Hone, Evelyn Joseph
Hose, J C
Hoste, M R
Howard, W H
Howell, John Henry
Howgate, William Church
Howley, Thomas
Howley, William
Howse, Walter
Hudson, Robert
Hudson, William Henry Hoar
Hughes, Alfred William
Hunt, Arthur Ackland
Huntington, Alfred Kirby
Huntley, George Neville
Hutton, George
Hutton, Thomas
Hutton, William James
Hyman, Orlando Haydon Bridgeman
Ireland, Samuel John
Isaacson, John Freferick
Isnard, Auguste
J - L
Jackson, Blomfield
James, John Barnard
James, Victor Mesham
Jaques, George
Jenkins, George John
Jenkins, Morgan
Johnson, George Stillingfleet
Jona, Henry
Jones, Frederick James
Jones, Harold Sydney
Jones, William S
Joyce, Francis
Judd, Robert Randolph
Kearney, W H
Kelly, Charles
Kelly, William
Kelsall, Frances
Kendall, Harriet
Kenny, Alexander Symons
Kett, Charles William
Kettle, William Ralph
Kingdon, James Durant
Kirkaldy, Patrick Henry
Knight, William Angus
Knott, Arthur Herbert
Knowling, Richard John
Koster, Bernard/Barend
La Jeune, James White
Lack, Harry Lambert
Lamb, John
Lane, W H
Larcher, William Francis Gustavus
Latham, Raymond Mortimer
Latter, Henry
Lawrence, James
Lawson, Kenneth
Leaf, Charles
Lee, Henry
Legg, 4th Earl of Dartmouth, William
Legg, Thomas Percy
Legge, Henry
Lennard, John
Leriche, Achille
Leslie, George Waldergrave
Lewis, Lewis E
Lewis, Rees
Littlejohn, James
Living, Edward
Living, Robert
Lloyd, Frederick James
Longuet, Charles Felix
Lonsdale, L M
Lott, Robert
Lowe, Joseph
Lulham, Rosalie Blanche Jermaine
Lyle, Herbert Willoughby
Lyon, John
M - O
MacDonald, Greville Matheson
MacDonald, T Mosse
Mackarness, Charles Coleridge
MacKay, Herbert J H
Macmillan, Alexander
Madden, Wyndham Monson
Major, John Richardson
Manners, fifth duke of Rutland, John Henry
Manning, George Theodore
Mariette, Charles Paul Alphonse (known as Alphonse)
Markby, Thomas
Markland, James Heywood
Marsh, Edgar Thomas
Marshall, Thomas Ansell
Marshall, William
Masham, John
Master, Streynsham Mosley
Masters, William
Matley, Frederick
Matthews, Valentine
Maxted, Charles
McAnally, David
McCaul, Alexander Israel
McCaul, Joseph Benjamin
McCaul, Samuel
McDougall, Walter Kennedy
McHardy, Malcolm McDonald
McIlraith, John Robert
Mcleod, Donald Roderick
McMillan, Walter George
McMinn, Robert Sturrock
McTurk, William
Meadows, Alfred
Mears, Julia
Mears, Thomas
Menken, H
Meyer, Beatrice Ethel
Miller (nee Renton), Agnes Duncan
Monro, Alexander Edward
Moor, Cresacre George
Moreton, 3rd Earl of Ducie,, Henry John Reynolds
Moriarty, Louis Martin
Morphett, George Everard
Morris, Richard
Mortlock, John Archibald
Mortlock, Mabel Caroline
Morton, John Lockhart
Moseley, Andrew
Moss, Charles
Mote, Joseph
Mowbray, J R
Mozley, John Rickards
Nagel, Charles Nicolas
Nash, James T C
Neuhaus, C
Newland, Abraham
Newsom, George Ernest
Newton, Arthur Percival
Nichol, John
Nicholl, George Frederick
Nicolay, Charles Grenfell
Niederberger, Joseph
Nightengale, J
Nixon, John Edward
Norris, William George
Noyes, G A
O'Reilly, James
Oldham, James
Oliver, John
Oliverson, Richard
Orloff, Nicholas
Ouseley, Joseph William Jasper
P - R
Paget, John Rahere
Parker, Charles
Parsons, Richard Clere
Partridge, A E
Patterson, John
Paul, Arthur
Payne, James Bertrand
Peile, James Kenyon
Peixoto, Augusto
Penny, William John
Percy, 3rd Duke of Northumberland, Hugh
Perini, Napoleone
Perrin, John Beswick
Pestonji, Hormazdji
Phelps, William Edmondson
Philips, John
Philpot, Charles William
Philpot, Joseph Henry
Pierce, James
Pierce, William Trimbell
Pistrucci, Valerio
Pitson, Edward Arthur
Playfair, Hugh
Pocock, John Innes
Pollard, J
Pollock, Arthur Julius
Pope, Richard
Pope, Thomas
Porcher, Henry
Porter, Arthur Edward
Pownall, Henry
Pownall, Leonard A
Price, Charles
Price, Henry Walter
Price, Peter Charles
Prideaux, Sarah Treverbian
Pritchard, Urban
Proctor, Francis Bartlett
Quye, William
Ramirez, Ricardo
Reilly, Charles Herbert
Reinicke, Gustav Adolph
Relf, Harry Douglas
Reynell, Vincent Charles Reynell
Ribbans, Frederick Bolingbroke
Ricci, Anslemo Jose Da Costa
Richards, A S
Richardson, John
Riddell, Walter Buchanan
Roberts, Edward Holroyd
Roberts, Owen
Robertson, Frederick Steel
Robinson, 1st Earl of Ripon, Frederick John
Robinson, Arthur
Robinson, Hamilton
Robinson, Henry
Robinson, Keith
Robinson, Leigh
Robinson, William Beauclerk
Rose, William
Rossetti, Gabriele Pasquale Guiseppe
Rowell, George
Rumsey, Almaric
Russell, Edward
Russell, J
Rust, George
S - U
Salmone, Habib Anthony
Salter, Henry Hyde
Salter, Stephen
Sambrooke, Thomas Godfrey
Samson, Edwin
Sandifer, Henry Stephen
Savory, John
Savory, Joseph
Sayer, Joseph Robert
Scaife, J Harper
Scallon, Edward Brand
Scheider, Johann
Schmitz, Cornelia Gertrude
Schottky, Ernst
Schwartz, Ernest Justus
Scrymgour, Edward Philip
Sedgefield, Arthur Robert Wyatt
Serocold, Charles Pearce
Shackleton, John
Shadwell, Lancelot
Shapcott, Edward Lawes
Shaw, Benjamin
Shear, John T
Shelley, Charles Percy Bysshe
Shepherd, George
Sheppard, Edgar
Short, Thomas Sidney
Shuttleworth, Henry Cary
Silk, John Frederick William
Simond, Ami
Sinclair, William Macdonald
Slater, Samuel
Smalley, George Robarts
Smith, Douglas Rucker
Smith, Edwin
Smith, Elijah
Smith, Harold
Smith, Henry
Smith, Henry William
Smith, Ravenscroft Elsey
Smith, Richard Horton
Smith, Robert Shingleton
Smith, Thomas Hugh Frederick
Smith, Walter
Smith, William Robert
Smyth, George Arthur
Sodeau, William Horace
Soltan, Anna L
Sotheby, William
Soutter, Mansfield Collier
Sparling, Philip William
Speed, Francis Bentinck
Speight, Thomas
Spiers, Victor Julian Taylor
Spurrier, John William
Standen, John Henry
Staunton, George Thomas
Stephen, James
Stephen, Thomas
Stevens, E C
Stievenard, Léonce
Stiffe, C E
Stokoe, Thomas Henry
Sturges, Decimus
Stutzer, John Julius
Sumner, Charles Richard
Surridge, H A D
Sutton, Thomas
Sutton, William
Swift, James
Swifte, Thomas P
Talbot, John Gilbert
Tanner, Thomas Hawks
Taylor, Charles Reeve
Taylor, William Henry
Tcheraz, Minas
Teed, Theodore Martin
Teutschel, Robert Anthony Sigismund
Thibaudin, Auguste
Thomas, John Sisley
Thomas, William Angell
Thomson, John Millar
Thomson, William
Thorpe, James Henry
Thurston, Edgar
Tien, Anton
Timme, George Augustus
Tinney QC, William Henry
Tirard nee Beloe, Helen Mary
Tirard, Nestor Isidore Charles
Todd, G
Tomlinson, Herbert
Tonge, Morris
Towers, Robert Mason
Townsend, Charles Spread
Tribe, Paul Cunningham Edward
Trippcock, William
Tritton, Robert Henry Grant
Tunningcliffe, Francis Whittaker
Turner, William Aldren
Turson, Henry
Tuson, William
Twentyman, Arthur Edward
Twentyman, John
Twinning, Richard
Tyler, J Endell
Tyndall/Tindall, Nicholas
Tyrell, Edward
Underwood, Arthur Swayne
Upton, William
V - Z
Vansittart, first Baron Bexley, Nicholas
Vaux, Charles
Ventouillac, Louis Theodore
Vernham, John Edward
Vickers, Frederick
Vizard, A E
Waldron, James W
Walke, Andrew James
Walker, David
Walker, George Arthur
Walker, Harry Bruce
Walker, Hyde Edwardes
Walker, William
Wallis, Charles Eward
Walrond, Theodore
Walton, Francis William
Ward, George Herbert
Ware, Robert Charles
Warr, George Charles Winter
Warren, George Herbert
Watkins, Harry
Watkins, Henry William
Watkins, Samuel
Watson, William Spencer
Wattez, Francois Joseph
Waynforth, Harry Morton
Webb, Charles Daulman
Webb, Edward Lowe
Webb, Walter Herbert
Webster QC, Thomas
Webster, Thomas Lonsdale
Webster, William
Wehe, Theodor
Wells, Charles
Wells, John Soelberg
Westmacott, John G
White, Ernest William
White, Henry
White, Stuart Arthur Frank
Wigram, Edward
Wigram, Joseph Cotton
Wilbraham, Richard
Wilkins, Edith
Willcocks, William Knapman
Wilson, Ernest
Wiltshire, Thomas
Winkley, Arthur
Winkley, F S
Wintzer, Charles Albert
Wix, Ernest Newton
Wood, Baron Hatherley, William Page
Wood, John
Wood, W Henry
Worsley, Henry
Wotherspoon, George
Wright, Arthur John
Wright, John
Wright, Peter
Wright, William
Yates, W M
Yeo, Isaac Burney
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