First name(s)
Albert Boyce
Position(s) held at King's College London Refs: *1 *3
  • House Surgeon King's College under Sir William Ferguson and John Wood, 1873-1874   
  • Sambrooke Surgical Registrar, 1875
  • Assistant Surgeon and teacher of Operative Surgery, 1886
  • Pathological Registrar, 1887  
  • Surgeon, 1893
  • Fellow, 1908
  • Consulting Surgeon, 1912  
  • During 1914-1918 War he returned to Kings to take charge of civil cases.

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended Ref: *3
  • Aldridges, Bury St Edmunds
  • King's College London
Qualifications Ref: *1


Position(s) held (non King's College London) Refs: *2 *3
  • Assistant Surgeon to Westminster Hospital 1880 
  • Senior Surgeon to Royal Free 1888-1904 (made consulting surgeon 1905) 
  • Lecturer on minor surgery and surgical tutor Western Hospital Medical School
  • Assistant Surgeon at West London Hospital 1882
Professional activities Refs: *1 *2 *3

Fellow Royal Med. Chirg. Soc.; Member Pathalogical Society

Publications Refs: *1 *2
  • ‘Treatment of Haemorrhoids by Forcipressure and the Cautery’, Westminster Hospital Reports, 1885
  • Contributor to ‘Case of Gastronomy’, British Medical Journal, 1885
  • Paper on ‘Malignant Diseases of the Rectum’, 1892

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *3
20th September 1847
Place of birth Ref: *3
Date of death Ref: *3
30th May 1939
Place of death Ref: *3
Walthamstow, Essex
Family details Ref: *3
  • Father: William Barrow, veterinary surgeon, and Frances Boyce; brother also veterinary surgeon

Notes Ref: *1

  • King's College Hospital Lodge of Ancient Freemasons (Founder Member), 1903
  • Also interested in veterinary surgery and horse breeding

* References

  1. King's and Some King's Men
  2. 1905 Medical Directory
  3. Plarr's Lives of the Fellows Online
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