Title Refs: *1 *7
First name(s)
Position(s) held at King's College London Ref: *4

Lecturer of Portuguese, 1882-1893

Education & professional details

Position(s) held (non King's College London) Ref: *5
  • Portuguese Consulate, 1885;
  • private tutor in Portuguese, French, Spanish, Italian & English, 1877
Publications Ref: *6

Augusto Peixoto and Heliodoro Salgado, John Bull-Pirata. Libello acusatorio contra la Inglaterra e os seus cumplices. Lison, 1890

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *2
Place of birth Ref: *2
Lisbon, Portugual
Date of death Ref: *3
3rd January 1893
Place of death Ref: *3
Kentish Town, London
Family details Ref: *7

Spouse - Laura Jane Lewry, b [1854-1861] Brighton; daughter Laura Clara Peixoto b 1880; son Oscar Peixoto b 1885; son Augusto Peixoto b 1888; daughter Frances Mabel Peixoto b1890.


  • September 1877 writes to King's College London Secretary offering to teach Portuguese which is "conspicuous by its absence" in their advertisement for evening classes. He is not actually appointed until 1882.
  • Appears as interpreter in a legal case 1885 (see reference in (11) to Reynolds newspaper article).
  • August 1891 Stricken with partial paralysis and requests admittance to the College's hospital "under a nominal fee" to undergo medical treatment "to restore my health and power" .
  • In 1893 Thomas Carter writes to the Secretary referring to the death of Mr Peixoto "some time since" and recommending another lecturer from the same office as Mr Peixoto and Mr Ricci (his predecessor), one Mr Pargana.
  • Laura Jane Lewry may not have been legal spouse of Augusto Peixoto (no record of a marriage found).

* References

  1. Census 1891; death certificate
  2. Census 1891
  3. BMD 1893 Pancras Vol 1B p98 and death certificate
  4. King's College London Calendars 1882-1883 to 189218993
  5. Reynolds Newspaper 1885 29 November p3; flier included with letter to King's College London Secretary 1877 King's College London/IC/P64
  6. British Library Catalogue, General Reference 8042.d.4.
  7. Census 1891 & 1911; Christening record Laura Clara Peixoto 12 September 1880 at Brighton, Sussex (via Ancestry); Marriage Oscar Peixoto 1911 Chelsea Vol 1a, p927
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