Title Ref: *1
First name(s) Ref: *1
James William
Surname Ref: *1
Position(s) held at King's College London Ref: *1
  • Demonstrator of Practical Biology 1879-1887
  • Appointed Special Tutor for Biology 1885
  • Curator of the Museum 1887-1892
  • Chair of Botany 1887 

Personal details

Date of birth Refs: *1 *2
Place of birth Ref: *2
Putney, London
Date of death Ref: *3
Family details Ref: *2

Son of James Emver and Harriett Groves

* References

  1. King's and Some King's Men (London 1935)
  2. 1901 Census
  3. Births, Deaths, Marriages 1837-1915
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