First name(s)
Charles Percy Bysshe
Position(s) held at King's College London
  • Professor of Manufacturing Art and Machinery, 1860-1890;
  • Dean of Applied Sciences Department, 1873-1882;
  • Emeritus Professor of Manufacturing Art and Machinery, 1890-1891.

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended

Kings College School.

Professional activities Ref: *3
  • As a Civil Engineer Prof. Shelley was employed by Messrs. Fox Henderson and Co., Birmingham, upon many different works, but chiefly upon the designs for the ironwork of the Great Exhibition building of 1851. He went next to Mr. Thomas Cubitt's brickworks at Burham near Rochester and then to the Victoria works at the Ebbw Vale Co. He became the chief assistant to Sir William Siemens and then the principle draughtsman to Mr. Edward Woods. He spent five years in the drawing office of Mr. E.A. Cowper and afterwards he went to Spain working on the Tudela and Bilbao Railway. He became a consultant engineer in Westminster and carried out plans for the Thames Valley Railway, which subsequently became the London and South Western Railway.
  • He was also employed by Sir Joseph Whitworth and Mr. J.S. Stokes working on designs for an ironworks at Shrewsbury. Prof. Shelley was an assistant examiner in steam and mechanics at the Science and Art Dept., South Kensington and was also examiner in these subjects at the Royal Military College, Woolwich.
Publications Ref: *4

Proc. of the Inst. of Mech. Eng. (1862) Rope, Hemp and Wire, Manufacture of, by C. P. B. Shelley - page 170; Workshop Appliances (Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd. 1888).

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *1
2nd December 1827
Place of birth Ref: *1
Epsom, Surrey
Date of death Ref: *2
Place of death Ref: *2
Bromley, Kent
Obituary Ref: *6

Refer to Graces Guide to British Industrial History.

Family details Ref: *5

Son of John Nichols Shelley (died 1858) and Julia Dorcas;  sisters  Julia Matilda (1823-), Marianne Dorcas (1816 -); married Margaret White in 1869 at St. George's Hanover Square, London.

Notes Ref: *7

  • In 1881 lived at 25 Ecceston St., St George Hanover Square, London and had one servant and he lived at 25a Easton St. Knightsbridge, London in 1891.
  • Prof. Shelley's business addresses in London were at 45 Parliament St. Westminster, London; 9 Victoria Chambers, 17 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. (1890).
  • He was a contemporary of the mathematician James Clerk Maxwell at King's College London (1860 - 1865) and both were authors of Longmans' 'Text-books of Science' series in the early 1870's under the editorship of T.M.Goodeve.

* References

  1. Family search Batch Number C00823-2
  2. Death Index June 1891 Bromley 2a 294
  3. Graces Guide to British Industrial History
  4. Harvard College Library https://archive.org/stream/workshopapplian05shelgoog#page/n7/mode/2up
  5. England and Wales Marriage Registration Index, 1837-2005; 1881 Census RG11 99 65 page 17; 1891 Census RG11 72 102 page 33
  6. www.gracesguide.co.uk/charles_percy_bysshe_shelley
  7. James Clerk Maxwell: Perspectives on his Life and Work Ed. Flood, McCartney and Whitaker
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