First name(s)
Don Pablo
de Mendibil
Position(s) held at King's College London

Professor of Spanish Language and Literature, 1831-1832

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended

University of Zaragoza (Law) Ref: *1

Professional activities

Member, Committee for Spanish Refugees Ref: *2

  • with Manuel Silvela, Bibtioteca Selecta de la Literatura Espanola desde el siglo XIV hasta nuestros dias
    (1819, 4 vols., 8vo.)
  • Resumen Historico de laRevolucion de los Estados Unidos Mejieanos (London, 1828)
  • Contributor, Revue Encyclopedique de Paris
  • Editor, El Liberal Guipuzcoano
  • Contributor, Fraser's Magazine
  • Editor, Contributor, Oeios de Espanoles Emigrados
  • Co-Editor, Variedades o Mensajero de Londres
  • Contributor, Repertorio Americano
  • No me Olvides (1828)

Personal details

Date of birth
11 April 1788
Place of birth
Alegria, Alava
Date of death
1 January 1832

"Don Pablo Mendibil" The Athenaeum, 7 January 1832, 15

Family details

Parents were Don Iguacio de Mendivil and Dofia Felicia de Grao. Married to Maria de Nanclares with two daughters Ref: *3


Spanish emigre whose full name was “Pablo León José ( de ) Mendíbil y Grao”, known in England as “Pablo Mendible” and “Pablo de Mendible” or “Mendivil”


  1. "Don Pablo Mendibil" The Athemaeum, 7 January 1832, 15
  2. F Burwick,  Playing to the Crowd: London Popular Theatre, 1780-1830 (Springer, 2011), 127
  3. Wild, T. N. "Pablo de Mendibil: A Spanish exile." Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 5, no. 19 (1928): 107.
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