First name(s)
Position(s) held at King's College London Refs: *1 *3
  • Professor of Russian, 1889- 1915;
  • Member of the Board of Studies Faculty of Arts, 1898;
  • Examiner for Bachelor of Arts Degree of the University of London, 1902.

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended Refs: *1 *2

Educated in Beloy, Smolensk; University in St. Petersburg

Qualifications Ref: *2

Master of Arts in 1874

Publications Ref: *4

The general Menaion; or, The book of services common to the festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of the different orders of saints. Translated from the Slavonian 16th ed. of 1862 [by N. Orloff] New York, AMS Press [1969]; translation of The Instruction in God's Law

Personal details

Date of birth
13th May 1844
Place of birth Ref: *1
Date of death
14th December 1915
Place of death

The Times 15th December 1915; buried West Brompton cemetery

Family details

Married to Olga Orloff (1857-1916); son Vladimir (1883-1884); daughter Vera (1893-1918)

Notes Ref: *1

Orders of St. Stanislas, St. Anne, and St. Vladimir

* References

  1. http://www.mocavo.co.uk/
  2. http://prabook.org/web/
  3. Kings College Calendar 1915
  4. http://biblehub.com/library/
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