First name(s)
Joseph Benjamin
Position(s) held at King's College London Ref: *1
  • Lecturer in Divinity 1852
  • Reader 1852-1854
  • Censor 1852-1854

Education & professional details

Publications Ref: *3
  • The Epistle to the Hebrews, in a Paraphrastic Commentary, with Illustrations from Philo, The Targums, The Mishna and Gemara, The Later Rabbinical Writers, and Christian Annotators, etc., etc.; London: Longmans, Green, and Co., Paternoster-Row; 1871. By the Rev. Joseph B. McCaul. Honorary Canon of Rochester Cathedral, Rector of St. Michael Bassishaw, London, Chaplain to the Late Lord Bishop of Rochester and Sometime Divinity Lecturer and Censor in King's College London.
  • Author of:
  • " Bishop Colenso's Criticism Criticized"
  • " The Abbe Migne and the Bibliotheque Universelle du Clerge"
  • " The Ten Commandments the Christian's Spiritual Instructor

* References

  1. King's College London London archives
  2. 93-94 King's College London Calendar
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