Title Ref: *3
First name(s)
John Mee
Position(s) held at King's College London Ref: *1

Professor of Ecclesiastical History (1884-1898)

Education & professional details

Publications Ref: *2
  • A Dictionary of the Bible Comprising it's Antiquities, Biology, Geography, and Natural History (1893)
  • An Essay on the Authenticity of the Book of Daniel (1864)
  • The Four Gospels: Arranged in the Form of a Harmony, from the Text of the Authorized Version (1885)
  • The Students' Commentary on the Holy Bible: Found on the Speaker's Commentary (1879)

Personal details

Date of birth Refs: *2 *3
11th December 1834
Date of death Ref: *3
16th August 1893

* References

  1. King's College London Archives
  2. The online Books Page upenn.edu
  3. fortalbot.dmu.ac.uk/letters/correspondants.php
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