First name(s)
Position(s) held at King's College London Ref: *4
  • Lecturer in English (1885-1891)
  • Evening Class Lecturer in English Literature and English Language, Precis 1885-1891

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended Ref: *3

King's College (1871-1873) Matriculated 1872

Position(s) held (non King's College London) Ref: *6
  • Mercantile Clerk;
  • Boarding House Keeper
Professional activities Ref: *5

Associate King's College (Gen Lit & Sci) 1874

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *1
26th February 1854
Place of birth Ref: *1
Westminster, Middlesex
Date of death Ref: *2
17th January 1926
Place of death Ref: *2
Wembley Park, Middlesex
Family details Ref: *7

Son of James Finch, (1825-1870), Clerk to Confectioner/Master Confectioner, and Elizabeth Sutton, (c1820-19 June 1890), Boarding House Keeper; sister Kate Finch (1855-1864); married Isabel Grainger Barker (1854-1932) on 5 December 1881 at Oxhey, Herts; childre: Elizabeth Mary Winifred Finch born 1882; Frederick George or Frederick Gerald Finch born 1884; Phyllis Kate Freda Finch born 1887; Marie Isabel C. born 1893

Notes Ref: *8

Frederick Finch was Inglis Foundation Scholar in Modern History 1872; winner of first year Divinity prize 1872; Geology Prize 1872; Inglis Foundation Scholar in English Language 1873; Winner of Dasent (Essay) Prize in 1874. Topic that year was " Luxury" .

* References

  1. Baptism record St Luke's Chelsea for 2nd July 1854, BMD 1854 Westminster 1a p261, Censuses 1861-1911 inclusive. Entrance Papers King's College London KA/E/A12 entry for 11th October 1871
  2. National Probate Calendar 1926 p303, BMD 1926 Hendon 3a p342
  3. Entrance Papers King's College London KA/E/A12 entry for 11th October 1871, King's College London Calendars 1873-73, 1873-74 & 1874-75
  4. King's College London Calendars 1885-1886 to 1890-91 inclusive
  5. King's College London Calendar 1874-1875
  6. Census 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911
  7. Censuses 1861-1911 inclusive; Death certificate Elizabeth Finch 1890, England & Wales Marriages (Ancestry) and BMD 1881 Oxhey 3a p675; death Kate BMD 1864 Westminster 1a p239; baptism Elizabeth Mary Winifred 29th November 1882 Oxhey; Birth Frederick G. 1884 St George Hanover Square 1a EITHER p409 (George) OR p499 (Gerald)
  8. King's College London Calendars 1873-1873, 1873-1874 & 1874-1875
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