First name(s)
Walter Thomas
Position(s) held at King's College London

Evening Lecturer Experimental Physics and Applied Physics (1884-1885)

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended Ref: *3

Merton College Oxford (matric 1867); Magdalen College School Oxford chorister (1858-1863); Magdalen College Oxford clerk (1868-1870)

Qualifications Ref: *3
  • BA (1872)
  • MA (1879)
Position(s) held (non King's College London) Ref: *4
  • Schoolmaster, Trinity College, Cambridge (1871)
  • Senior Lecturer & Examiner, Master at Tonbridge School (1881)
  • Partnership with Henry Edmunds, Edmunds & Goolden (1884-1885)
  • Examiner in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering for Civil Service Commission (1891)
  • Examiner in Natural Philosophy London University
  • Assistant Examiner to Science & Art Dept South Kensington (1891)
  • Engineer in Chiefs Department of the Post Office
  • Managing Director Typewriting Telegraph Corporation.
Professional activities Ref: *5
  • Member of Institution of Electrical Engineers (1889-)
  • Member of Institution of Civil Engineers (1899-)
Publications Ref: *6
  • An Easy Introduction to Chemistry, edited with Rev Arthur Rigg. London: Rivingtons, 1875;
  • Original Patent Application No 2694 for improvements in apparatus for the measurement of electrical resistance, by Walter Thomas and Sydney Evershed Goolden, 1st January 1889, H.M.S.O.
  • USA Patent Application no US489302A filed 18 August 1891 by Walter T Goolden and Llewelyn B Atkinson of London, England for Dynamo-Electric Machine and Motor. (Patented in England 19th September 1887 No 12, 676x.

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *1
22 September 1848
Place of birth Ref: *1
Paddington, London
Date of death Ref: *2
16 September 1901
Place of death Ref: *2
Cookham, Berks.
Obituary Ref: *8

Walter Thomas Goolden, born on the 22nd September 1848, took a first class in Physical Science in 1871 at the University of Oxford, subsequently proceeding to the degree of Master of Arts. For some years he was engaged chiefly in scholastic work, but becoming interested in mechanical and electrical engineering, especially in the development of lighting by electricity, he entered into a partnership in 1884 with Mr Henry Edmunds. In the following year that partnership was dissolved, and Mr Goolden was joined by Mr A. P. Trotter, the firm being known as Goolden and Trotter. Several improvements in incandescent lighting machines were the result of this connection, which lasted until 1888, when Mr Trotter retired from the firm. Mr Goolden then associated himself with Mr Llewellyn B. Atkinson, and in 1893 the firm was amalgamated with that of Messrs. Easton and Anderson, under the style Easton, Anderson and Goolden. Mr Goolden took charge of the mining work of the firm in the North of England, establishing himself at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and in 1895 he undertook, in addition, the management of the Electrical Coal-cutting Contract Corporation. His connection with the firm of Easton, Anderson and Goolden ceased in 1898, when he began to practise on his own account as a Consulting Engineer, devoting himself specially to electric mining work. He also became Manager of the Typewriting Telegraph Corporation. On his adoption of the profession of engineering in 1884, Mr Goolden did not suffer his interest in educational matters to drop. For some years he acted as Examiner in Mechanical Engineering, and in Electricity and Magnetism, for the Civil Service Commissioners, and he also undertook examination work in Natural Philosophy for London University, and in Science for the Science and Art Department, South Kensington. Mr Goolden died at Cookham on the 16th September 1901, in the fifty-third year of his age. He was elected a member of the Institution on 10th January 1899

Family details Ref: *7

Son of Richard H Goolden Katharine Naylor. Married Rose Sarah Harris on 26 January 1875 at All Souls, Marylebone. Children were Walter Herbert Lewis (1876-), Katharine Isabella Louisa (1877-), Archibald Campbell (1879-), Cyril (1882-),  Dorothy Augusta (1885-),  Enid Mary Beatrice and Richard Owen (twins) (1891-), John Hugo and Guy Everard (twins) (1894-).

Notes Ref: *9

Freemason of St Peter Westminster Lodge, initiated December 1891. Goolden and A P.Trotter, electrical engineers (1885-1888). W T Goolden & Co was amalgamated withEaston & Anderson as Easton, Anderson & Goolden Ltd (1893-1894). The instrument section of Goolden and Trotter purchased by Evershed & Vignoles

* References

  1. Baptism entry St Martin-in-the-Fields 9 November 1848 (gives birthdate also); Obit in Proc ICE 1902 Vol147 Issue 1902 p414
  2. Obit op.cit.; BMD 1901 Maidenhead vol 2c page 250
  3. Census 1861; Alumni Oxoniensis Vol 2 p158; Leeds Mercury 1871 10 February p7; Yorks Post & Leeds Intelligencer 1871 1 December p4; Oxford University Historical Register; (10) King's College London Calendar 1884/85 (only)
  4. Obit op.cit.; Grace's Guide op.cit.; London Gazette 17 March 1885, 1216 and 1 September, 4149; London Gazette 23 September 1887,5116
  5. Society of Telegraph Engineers (later IEE) Membership Lists 1887-1930, via Ancestry; Civil Engineer Membership Forms 1818-1930 UK: Institution of Civil Engineers, via Ancestry
  6., accessed 20 February 2016; Pall Mall Gazette 5 April 1879, 9; The Examiner 2d May 1875, 584-5;, accessed 19.2.16;, accessed 19.2.16
  7. Baptism op cit; Census 1851; Marriage in Parish Register of All Souls Marylebone 1875, via Ancestry; Censuses 1881, 1891, 1901; Baptisms of children via Ancestry
  8. Proc ICE 1902 Vol 147 Issue 1902 p414; also in Grace's Guide
  9. United Grand Lodge of England Freemason Membership Registers 1751-1921, via Ancestry
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