First name(s)
Colonel Leonard
Position(s) held at King's College London

Professor of Military Science, 1884-[1888]

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended
  • Royal Military Academy, Woolwich Ref: *2
Position(s) held (non King's College London)

Colonel, Royal Artillery

Personal details

Date of birth
28 June 1835
Date of death
Family details

Married to Helen Jane Weld in 1886. Ref: *3


Served in the Crimean campaign from November 1854, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and in the Trenches with the siege train at the bombardments of 9th April and 6th and 17th June (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Ref: *1



  1. 1881-1893 - New Annual Army List, Militia List, Yeomanry Cavalry List, and Indian Civil Service List Description    (London: John Murray, 1881-1893). http://digital.nls.uk/105749757 [Accessed 12 July 2017]
  2. The Times (London, England), Saturday 7 December 1850, 6.

  3. "Descendants of Richard Weld". http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=jimbo4012&id=I304. [Accessed 12 July 2017].

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