First name(s)
Mansfield Collier
Position(s) held at King's College London Ref: *4

Evening Class Lecturer of Shorthand (1869-1878)

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended Ref: *3

Edinburgh University from 1866; Completed at Kings College London in 1870.



Position(s) held (non King's College London) Ref: *5
  • A compositor in 1861;
  • Medical practitioner (1871-1892);
  • Minister of the Presbytery of the Scottish Church in London, St Andrew's Stepney [1879-1889];
Professional activities Ref: *6

Associate of Kings College; Fellow of the Gynaecological Society of London;

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *1
Place of birth Ref: *1
Edinburgh, Scotland
Date of death Ref: *2
28th July 1892
Place of death Ref: *2
Cumberland Terrace, Hornsey, London

Mansfield Collier Soutter, M.R.C.S.Eng., A.K.C. Lond. We regret to record the death of Dr Mansfield Collier Soutter of Finsbury Park, N., who died at the age of 48 [sic] somewhat unexpectedly after a few days' acute illness following upon a chronic cystitis, from which he had suffered for many months. He commenced his professional studies at the Edinburgh University in 1866 and, coming up to London, completed them at King's College, London, taking the M.R.C.S. Eng. in 1870. In 1879 he was licensed and subsequently ordained by the Presbytery of the Scottish Church in London to the charge of St. Andrew's Stepney, which charge he maintained for ten years. He has been a well-known figure and practitioner in Finsbury Park for the last twenty-two years, where he has been universally respected. He took a great interest in every good work carried on in the neighbourhood, and was ever to be seen maintaining the causes of truth, purity and temperance. He was a Fellow of the Gynaecological Society of London, in which branch of his professional work he took an especial interest. His loss is mourned, not only amongst his patients and friends, but by the whole neighbourhood, as was testified by the numerous mourners gathered at his grave at East Finchley.

Family details Ref: *7

Son of Robert Stephen and Alison Soutter, shoemaker in Edinburgh b1794; siblings John b1837, James b1831, Alexander b1833, Isabella b1835, Martha b1837, Jean or Jane b1839, Alison b1847, Janet b1849, Hercules b1851, Mary b1855; married Isabella P Wright, schoolmistress, on 4th April 1867 at Brechin, Forfar, Scotland; children:  Mansfield Knox b 1868, David Wright Luther b1869, Isabella b1877, Mary A. b1880, James C b1886


  • The 1851 census for the family (St Cuthberts's, Edinburgh) describes three of his older siblings as already working in the book trade. This explains his early occupation as a compositor (1861 Census).
  • Dr Soutter recommended his own successor, William Bicknell, when he resigned his post at Kings as evening lecturer of shorthand in January 1878, due to an increasing workload.
  • His death certificate describes him as aged 49. This is more likely to be accurate than the obituary.

* References

  1. All censuses and death certificate. Possible it may have been 1844. Unable to find birth record
  2. BMD 1892 Edmonton vol 3a p139, death certificate, obit BMJ 20th August 1892 p421, National Probate Calendar 1892 p156
  3. obit op cit
  4. King's College London Calendars; KA/IC/S74, KA/IC/S99, KA/IC/S140
  5. Census 1861, obit. op cit
  6. obit op cit
  7. Censuses 1851 - 1891 inclusive, marriage record 1867 Brechin, ref 275/00 0008, BMD Mansfield Knox Soutter 1868 Vol 2c p344 Reading and birth certificate, David Wright Luther Soutter baptism register for parish of St Clement Danes 23rd May 1867
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