First name(s)
Position(s) held at King's College London
  • Lecturer in Arts of Construction 1841-1886;
  • Assistant to Prof. William Hosking, Principles and Practice of Architecture (1841).

Education & professional details

Qualifications Refs: *2 *8

Elected Associate of (Royal) Institute of British Architects (R.I.B.A) 1838; Fellow F.I.B.A. 1862.

Position(s) held (non King's College London) Ref: *3

District Surveyor of the District of Fulham (1875).

Professional activities Refs: *4 *5 *6

Andrew Moseley was in partnership with his brother William Moseley, County Surveyor of Middlesex 1829-1846; Designer St. Elvan's Church, Aberdare, South Wales 1851; Architect employed on the design for Smithfield market, London abattoirs 1847.

Publications Ref: *8

A paper read before a meeting of the Institute of British Architects " Some Particulars regarding the Plan and Construction of the Westminster Palace Hotel" 1862.

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *1
Place of birth Ref: *1
Hanley, Staffordshire
Date of death Ref: *1
13th June 1906 (aged 93)
Place of death Ref: *1
Fulham, London


Family details Ref: *9

Son of Dr. William Willis Moseley (school master) and Margaret Jackson; Brother of Prof. Rev. Henry Moseley LL.D., B.A., M.A., F.R.S., (b1801-1872), Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, Kings College, London; Brother and business partner William M.R. Moseley (b1798); First wife Elizabeth Anne Stoddart (1823-1857) married 1845 (no children); Married his 2nd wife Euphemia Macdonald in 1866; children Annie Effie Moseley (b1868), Andrew J. Moseley (1869-1951), Lousia M. Moseley (b1871), William R. Moseley (1872-1962) and Donald H. Moseley (b1875).

Notes Refs: *7 *10

  • Lived at 21, Lincoln's-Inn Fields 1838; Lived Eden Place, Hurlingham Lane, Fulham 1860; When Henry Moseley married Euphemia in 1866 he was 53 and she was 20. In 1881 she was living at Hastings with all her children and Governess while he was living in Fulham with just two servants;
  • Euphemia died at Hastings in 1882 aged 33;
  • The Builder reported Dec. 13 1856 Mr. A. Moseley was building a novel arrangement of double casements for his own residence Eden Hurst, Fulham.

* References

  1. FamilySearch
  2. The Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal 1838
  3. Minutes of Proceedings of the Metropolitan Board of Works (1875)
  4. Directory of British Architects, 1834-1914: Vol. 2 (L-Z)
  5. British Listed Buildings webpage st-elvan-s-church-aberdare; Letter to the Editor of the Morning Chronicle 11th October 1852
  6. The Morning Post 22nd May 1847
  7. Blower's Architect's, Surveyor's etc. 1860
  8. Building News and Architectural Review 1862
  9. Wikipedia (Henry Moseley, Mathematician)
  10. Cheshire Observer 13th December 1856
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