First name(s)
Florence Marianne
Position(s) held at King's College London Ref: *4

Superintendent of the King's College Hospital Convalescent Home, Hemel Hempstead, 25th March 1891 to 1893

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended

Trained by Sister Katherine at Kings College Hospital

Professional activities
  • Lady Pupil at St Johns House
  • Ward sister at Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford 
  • Ward sister at South Devon Hospital, Plymouth
  • Army nursing sister at Netley Hospital, Hampshire
  • Army nursing sister at Woolwich

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *1
Born 20th January 1855; baptised 21st February 1855
Place of birth Ref: *1
Islington, Middlesex
Date of death Ref: *2
18th April 1893
Place of death Ref: *2
Kings College Hospital
Family details Ref: *5

Daughter of Joseph (merchant & secretary ironworks) and Emily Acheson; 6 Brothers.

Notes Ref: *2

Left Ā£1382 to Joseph Acheson

* References

  1. London, England Births & Baptisms 1813-1906
  2. National Probate Calendar, index of wills and Administration, 1878-1966, KH/CM/13 p379
  3. KA/IC/A114 -application letter of 18th February 1891, KH/CM/M13 p182
  4. 1891 Census, KA/IC/A114 application letter 18th February 1891, KH/CM/M13 p182
  5. 1861, 1871, 1891 Censuses
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