First name(s)
Charles James
Position(s) held at King's College London Refs: *1 *2
  • Lecturer of Exegesis of New Testament, 1878-1879 
  • Censor and Chaplain,1878-1879
  • Evening class lecturer on Elementary Greek Testament, 1878-1881
  • Evening class lecturer of Logic, 1878-1881

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended Ref: *3

Oxford University

Qualifications Ref: *3

BA - Oxford 1872; MA - 1876; Doctor in Letters 1910

Position(s) held (non King's College London) Refs: *2 *3
  • Oxford 1906 - University lecturer in Assyriology
  • Chaplain of Lincoln's Inn 1880-1900
  • Curate of St. Gabriel, Pimlico 1874-1875
  • Head Master's Asst. in Merchant Taylor's School 1873-1875
  • Curate of St. Clement, Eastcheap 1875-1876
  • 2nd Classical Master in Merchant Taylor's School 1875-1878
  • Rector of Bletchington, Diocese of Oxford 1899
Publications Ref: *2
  • Light from the East, 1899
  • Translated The Epistle of Jeremy, 1913
  • ‘Lamentations’Encyclopaedia Britannica​ (11th ed) 1911

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *1
Place of birth Ref: *4
Date of death Ref: *1
Place of death Ref: *4
Family details Ref: *4

Married Jane Hardy

Notes Ref: *3

Deacon 1874; Priest 1875

* References

  1. King's College London London archives
  2. Wikisource
  3. Crockford's Clerical Dictionary 1914
  4. Ancestry.com
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