First name(s)
Position(s) held at King's College London

Member of College Council, 1867-1889

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended

Winchester College
Balliol College, Oxford
Trinity College, Oxford
Lincoln’s Inn


Matriculated Balliol 17 March 1847
BA Trinity, 1848-1852
MA (Classics) at Trinity, 1851
Trinity Fellowship, 1852-1864
Bar-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, 1856 Ref: *1

Position(s) held (non King's College London)

Partner, Spottiswoode & Co (1862-1899) Ref: *2

Personal details

Date of birth
26 September 1829
Place of birth
Tring, Hertfordshire, England
Date of death
Place of death
Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey, England
Family details

First child of Rev. James Edward Austen-Leigh (1798-1874), vicar of Bray, Berkshire 1852-1874 Ref: *1 and Emma Smith (1801-1876). Has eight siblings: Emma Cassandra (1832–1902), Charles Edward (1832–1924), Spencer (1834–1914), Arthur Henry (1836– ), Mary Augusta(1838–1922),Edward Compton (1839–1916), Augustus (1840–1905), William Austen Leigh (1844–1921). Married to Melesina Mary Chenevix Trench (1835–1918) 7 Jan 1864, Westminster, London, England. Their children were: Edward Chenevix (1865–1949), Richard Arthur (1872–1941) and Charles Raymond (1874–1901).Ref: *3



Austen-Leigh family correspondence is held at the Hampshire Archives and Local Studies Centre.

* References

1.Oxford Men and Their Colleges, 1880-1892 Col 451

2.Richard Arthur Austen-Leigh, The Story of a Printing House; Being a Short Account of the Strahans and Spottiswoodes (London: Spottiswoode & Co. Ltd, 2nd Edn., 1912), 42.

3.Ancestry Family Trees

Photograph: Cholmerley Austen-Leigh 1829-1899 in Austen-Leigh, Story of a Printing House, 43.


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