First name(s)
Position(s) held at King's College London Ref: *1
  • Censor and Chaplain, 1894-1897 
  • Lecturer of the Exegesis of the New Testament, 1895-[1897] 

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended Ref: *2
  • Late Naden Div. Stud and School of St. John's College Cambridge - BA 1889
  • Crosse School 1892 - MA 1893
Qualifications Ref: *2


Position(s) held (non King's College London) Ref: *2
  • Deacon 1891
  • Priest 1892 Ely Leet, London College Div. 1906
  • Curate of St. Matthew, Cambridge 1891-1894
  • Curate of Grimley 1897-1906
  • St. James Curtain-road 1906-1911

* References

  1. King's College London archives
  2. Crockford's Clerical Directory 1914
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