Title Ref: *2
First name(s)
Position(s) held at King's College London
  • Assistant Lecturer of Mathematics (1859-1866)
  • Evening Class lecturer of Latin (1862-1867)
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Greek (1862-1867)
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Mathematics (1862-1879)
  • Lecturer of Mathematics (1866-1879)

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended
  • St.John's College, Cambridge University (1846-)
Qualifications Refs: *1 *4
  • B.A. (1850)
  • M.A. (1853)
Position(s) held (non King's College London) Ref: *4
  • Ordained Deacon (London) (1852)
  • Priest (1853)
  • Curate, St. Pancras (1852-1858)
  • Curate, St.Mary's, Great Ilford, Essex (1866-1869)

Personal details

Date of birth
24th October 1827
Date of death Ref: *3
11th February 1909
Place of death Ref: *3
Kensington, London
Family details Refs: *4 *5

Son of John Howse, brother of Frederick. Married to Sarah Parkin, in Somerset, 1866. Children were Agnes Sarah, Frederick George and Gertrude.

* References

  1. King's College Calendar 1861-1862, 23
  2. The Times 27 October 1859, 12
  3. http://www.familysearch.org
  4. Cambridge University Alumni 1261-1900
  5. The Times, 14 May 1892, 1
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